The Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) provides the world's most comprehensive source of experience, information and data for occupational exposure management at nuclear power plants. It is built on a global network of radiological protection professionals and jointly administered by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
On 5-7 December 2022, the NEA hosted the 32nd meeting of the ISOE Management Board, which is composed of 61 experts representing 77 nuclear licensees and 27 regulatory authorities from 31 countries.
The meeting addressed a number of important areas and helped facilitate the approval of the 2022 ISOE results and the programme of work for 2023. The group also consolidated ISOE country reports for 2021, reviewed the 2022 performance of the ISOE Technical Centres, and revised the Framework Agreement of Co-operation between the Management Board of ISOE and the Secretariat of United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) for the next five-year period.
The participants encouraged other nuclear utilities worldwide to take part in ISOE and discussed initiatives to involve more young health physicists in its activities and database.
The meeting of the Management Board was followed by a half-day ISOE Bureau and Technical Centres briefing, primarily focusing on feedback from the decisions, agreements, commitments, actions and recommendations of their previous meetings.
The Management Board meets annually to make rules, approve policy and governance documents and provide direction. Staff of the four ISOE Technical Centres (Asia, Europe, North America and other non-NEA member countries served by the IAEA) as well as the Joint NEA/IAEA Secretariat support the meetings. The next meeting of the Management Board, Bureau and Technical Centres will be held in December 2023.