The NEA Data Bank organised two training sessions in October on the Monte Carlo N Particle Transport Code (MCNP ®), which is widely used by the scientific community for radiation protection and shielding, fission and fusion reactor design, detector design and analysis, and medical physics. The two workshops attracted 24 participants from nine countries, who benefited first‑hand from the knowledge and dedication of the code developers from the MCNP ® team at Los Alamos National Laboratory, United States.
The first session covered the use of MCNP ® on the secure cloud computing system of the Radiation Safety Computational Center (RSICC). Organised with the support of ROSATOM, this session was both the first and only course available worldwide on this subject, and provided the participants with a unique opportunity to have access to the RSICC secure cloud and advance their knowledge of MCNP ®. The second session was dedicated to advanced MCNP ® users looking to deepen their expertise in variance reduction techniques for the application of fixed source particle transport analysis.
The NEA Data Bank Computer Program Services organises several training sessions every year, contributing to the dissemination of state‑of‑the‑art codes and engaging the nuclear community. These week‑long courses provide a unique opportunity to bring together code users from around the globe and facilitate exchanges on the use of computer codes. Further information on planned NEA Data Bank training courses is available at