The recently‑established NEA Expert Group on the Application of Robotics and Remote Systems in the Nuclear Back‑end (EGRRS) held its kick‑off meeting on 9‑10 December 2019 with 40 experts representing 14 member countries and three international organisations. The participants reviewed the ongoing international activities on the application of robotic and remote systems in both the nuclear field and non‑nuclear sectors. They discussed the benefits and challenges of utilising robotic and remote systems in the back end of the nuclear fuel cycle. After a brainstorming session focusing on the environmental, economical, societal, legal and regulatory frameworks, as well as on organisational and structural frameworks and other cross‑cutting issues) to identify challenges, it was agreed to create three ad hoc groups to explore: i) the status of current technologies and usage, ii) barriers and impediments, and iii) cost‑benefit analysis.