International Fuel Performance Experiments (IFPE) contents

The aim of the IFPE is to provide, a comprehensive and well-qualified database for model development and validation of fuel performance codes. The data encompasses both normal and off-normal operation and include prototypic commercial irradiations as well as experiments performed in Material Testing Reactors.

To date about 1452 rods/samples from various sources encompassing BWR, AGR, PHWR, PWR, and VVER reactor systems have been included in the IFPE collection, maintained jointly by the NEA and the IAEA.

Data currently available

Experiment package Scenario Experiment primary purpose Fuel type NEA package #
Full IFPE Collection, including the DATIF database software Many Many Many 1664
AEAT-IMC (released March 1999, updated Jan. 2023) temperature ramp Fission Gas Release (FGR)  AGR  1594
AECL-CANDU elements irradiated in NRU (released Feb. 2000, updated Jan. 2023) steady-state Fission Gas Release (FGR)  PHWR  1596
AECL-CR EXP-BDL-406 (released June 2009, updated Jan. 2023) steady-state CANDU fuel  PHWR  1841
AEKI Experimental Database of E110 Claddings under Accident Conditions (released Feb. 2008, updated Jan. 2023)   Cladding mechanical properties  VVER  1799
Belgonucleaire and SCK-CEN PRIMO (released May 2007, updated July 2009) power ramp Pellet Clad Mechanical Interaction (PCMI); MOX fuel  PWR / MOX 1776
Belgonucleaire Beznau-1 (released May 2008) NPP operation + PIE MOX fuel  PWR / MOX 1788
Belgonucleaire Beznau-1 (released Oct. 2011) NPP operation + PIE Fuel behavior for high Pu MOX  PWR / MOX 1863
Belgonucleaire GAIN programme (released March 2002, updated Jan. 2023) steady-state + power ramp Fuel behavior for Gd doped fuel  PWR  1625
BR-3/DOE High Burnup Fuel Rod Hot Cell Program (released Sep. 2003, updated Jan. 2023) steady-state High burn up (HBU)  PWR  1560
CANDU experiment FIO-130 (released June 2010, updated Jan. 2023) LOCA transient Fuel behaviour under LOCA  PHWR  1858
CANDU experiment FIO-131  (released April 2007, updated Jan. 2023) LOCA transient Fuel behaviour under LOCA  PHWR  1783
CANDU IRDMR experiments FIO-118 and FIO-119  (released April 2007, updated Jan. 2023) power ramp Rod dimensional response on power   PHWR  1777
CEA defect fuel experiments (released Feb. 2000, updated Jan. 2023) steady-state Fission gas release for defect fuel  PWR  1615
CEA defect fuel experiments: EDITH-MOX 01 (released June 2000) steady-state Fission gas release for defect fuel  PWR / MOX 1615
CEA/EDF/FRAMATOME Contact 1 & 2 (released March 1999, updated Jan. 2003) steady-state Fission Gas Release (FGR); thermal performance; clad creep  PWR  1595
CEA/EDF/FRAMATOME PWR and OSIRIS ramped fuel rods (released Feb. 2000, last update Jan. 2006) power ramp Pellet Clad Mechanical Interaction (PCMI)  PWR  1622
CNEA six power ramp irradiations with (PHWR) MOX fuels (released Oct. 2000) power ramp Pellet Clad Mechanical Interaction (PCMI)  PHWR / MOX 1626
DOE Fissile Materials Disposition Program (released Jan. 2007) steady-state Integral performance of WG MOX fuel MOX 1774
Halden Cases for FUMEX-I (released Sep. 2003, updated Jan. 2023)  MANY  Benchmark Package  MANY  1599
Halden IFA-429 (released Nov. 1997) power cycling + steady state Gas absorption; Fission Gas Release (FGR); thermal behaviour; power cycling   PWR  1546
Halden IFA-432 (released June 1995, updated Jan. 1996) steady-state Fuel integral performance   BWR  1488
Halden IFA-507 (released Oct. 2004) power ramp Thermal performance  LWR  1729
Halden IFA-519.9 (released Oct. 2011, updated Nov. 2020) power cycling + steady state Fission Gas Release (FGR); High Burn-up Structure (HBS) formation  PWR 1860
Halden IFA-533.2 (released Nov. 1997) steady-state + power ramp Thermal performance  LWR  1549
Halden IFA-534.14 (released Nov. 2002, updated June 2005) steady-state Fuel grain size; Fission Gas Release (FGR)  PWR  1684
Halden IFA-535.5 &.6 (released Nov. 1997, updated Jan. 2023) power ramp Fission Gas Release (FGR)  BWR  1548
Halden IFA-562.1 (released Nov. 1997) steady-state + power ramp Thermal performance; Pellet Clad Mechanical Interaction (PCMI)  LWR  1547
Halden IFA-585 (released March 2008) steady-state Cladding creep BWR & PWR 1803
Halden IFA-597 Hollow and solid MOX rods experiments (released October 2006) steady-state with uprate Pellet design effect on MOX fuel Fission Gas Release (FGR)  PWR / MOX 1772
Halden IFA-597.3 (released Nov. 2002, updated April 2003) steady-state Integral experiments data  BWR  1685
Halden IFA-629.1 (released Oct. 2011, updated Jan. 2023) steady-state Fission Gas Release (FGR); swelling  PWR / MOX 1861
Halden IFA-650 series, experiments 650.1 and 650.2 (released Oct. 2011) LOCA transient Qualification LOCA test rig  PWR 1862
Halden IFA-650 series, experiments 650.9, 650.10 and 650.11 (Cases for IAEA’s FUMAC, released April 2024) LOCA transient High burnup fuel LOCA testing VVER, PWR 1921
Halden/IMC(UK) (released Dec. 2003, updated June 2006) power ramp Fuel swelling  AGR  1705
Halden/JAEA IFA 514/565 (released Feb. 2009, last update Jan. 2023) steady-state Fuel creep; Fission Gas Release (FGR) MOX 1778
Halden/JAEA Power Ramp Tests of MOX Fuel Rods IFA-591 (released April 2007, last update Jan. 2023) power ramp Pellet Clad Mechanical Interaction (PCMI); Fission Gas Release (FGR) MOX 1773
HATAC in Siloe reactor (released Nov. 2005, last update Nov. 2009) steady-state + power ramp Fission Gas Release (FGR); sweeping in rods  PWR  1697
High Burn-up Effects Programme (released Nov. 1997, last update Jan. 2023) steady-state High burn up (HBU)  LWR  1510
Idealised cases to illustrate the functional dependence of FGR predictions (released April 2004) Idealized Modelling Cases Benchmark Package  MANY  1720
INR Pitesti - RO-89 and RO-51 (released April 2002, updated Jan. 2023) steady-state Effect of fuel density on Fission Gas Release (FGR)  PHWR  1645
Kola-3 (released Sep. 1996, updated March 1999) NPP operation + PIE Fission Gas Release (FGR); rod elongation at PIE    VVER  1532
KOLA-3 MIR (released March 2006, updated Oct. 2011) steady-state + power ramp Fission Gas Release (FGR); thermal performance  VVER 1766
NFIR-1 data for rods irradiated in BR3 under different operating regimes (released March 2006) steady-state Fuel design on Fission Gas Release (FGR)  PWR  1758
Novovoronezh-5 VVER1000 fuel behaviour data  (released March 2006, last update Jan. 2023) NPP operation + PIE Rod elongation at PIE  VVER  1741
NRU MT-4 and MT6A (released Nov. 2003) LOCA transient LOCA Ballooning and blockage of rod bundle  PWR  1710
NSRR/JAERI Behaviour under Reactivity Initiated Accident Conditions (released Feb. 2005) RIA transient Fuel behaviour under RIA  BWR  1724
REGATE L10.3 (released April 2004) power ramp Fuel swelling; Fission Gas Release (FGR)  PWR  1696
RISOE-1 (released March 2005) steady-state + bump Fission Gas Release (FGR)  LWR  1634
RISOE-2 (released Dec. 1995, updated April 2005) power ramp Fission Gas Release (FGR) BWR   1502
RISOE-3 (released Sept. 1995, updated April 2005) power ramp Fission Gas Release (FGR) BWR & PWR 1493
Siemens PWR rods irradiated in GINNA (released March 2000) NPP operation + PIE pellet design on Pellet Clad Mechanical Interaction (PCMI)   PWR  1623
SOFIT (released Nov. 1997, last update Jan. 2023) steady-state Thermal performance  VVER  1310
Studsvik DEFEX (released April 2008) steady-state with clad primary defect  Secondary clad degradation  BWR  1806
Studsvik DEFEX-II (released April 2008) steady-state with clad primary defect  Secondary clad degradation  BWR  1807
Studsvik DEMO-RAMP I & II - BWR (released March 2001) power ramp Pellet Clad Interaction (PCI)  BWR  1597
Studsvik INTER-RAMP BWR Project (released Nov. 1997) power ramp Failure operational limits   BWR  1555
Studsvik OVER-RAMP PWR Project (released Nov. 1997, updated March 2006) power ramp Pellet Clad Mechanical Interaction (PCMI) failure analysis  PWR  1556
Studsvik ROPE-1 (released April 2008, updated Jan. 2023) lift-off at steady-state Clad creep out at rod overpressure  BWR  1722
Studsvik ROPE-II PWR rod over pressure experiment (released April 2008) lift-off at steady-state Clad creep out at rod overpressure  PWR  1723
Studsvik STEED-I Stored Energy / Enthalpy Determination (released April 2008) steady-state + scram Stored energy determination  PWR  1809
Studsvik SUPER-RAMP BWR and PWR Programmes (released Nov. 1997, last update Jan. 2023) power ramp Pellet Clad Mechanical Interaction (PCMI) failure analysis  BWR & PWR 1557
Studsvik TRANS-RAMP I, II and IV (released April 2003) power ramp Pellet Clad Mechanical Interaction (PCMI) failure analysis  BWR & PWR 1648
TRIBULATION (released Nov. 1996, updated March 2002) steady-state + power ramp High burn up (HBU)  LWR  1536
US-PWR 16x16 LTA Extended Burnup Demonstration Program (released June 2005) NPP operation + PIE High burn up (HBU)  PWR  1738
Zaporoshye VVER1000 fuel behaviour data (released Oct. 2004, updated Jan. 2023) NPP operation + PIE Fission Gas Release (FGR) determination at PIE   VVER  1677


Contributing Organisations

- AEA Technology
- AEKI/KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute
- Anatech International Corporation
- Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (AECL) Chalk River Laboratories
- Battelle Pacific North-West Laboratory (PNL)
- Belgonucleaire
- British Energy (BE)
- British Nuclear Fuels Ltd. (BNFL)
- Comision Nacional d'Energia Atomica (CNEA)
- Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA)
- EC Institute for Transuranium (ITU)
- Electricite de France (EdF)
- Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
- Fortum Power and Heat Oy (Fortum)
- Halden Reactor Project (HRP)
- Imatran Voima Oy (IVO)
- Institute of Nuclear Research Pitesti (INR-Pitesti)
- Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy Sofia (INRNE Sofia)
- Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
- Kurchatov Institute Moscow (INR RCC)
- Research Institute of Inorganic Materials, Bochvar Institute (VNIINM)
- Risoe National Laboratory
- Scientific Research Institute for Atomic Reactors (SSCR RIIAR)
- Siemens Power Corporation
- Studsvik AB
- Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (SKI)
- TVEL - Joint Stock Company, Moscow
- UK Health and Safety Executive
- UK Industry Management Committee (IMC)
- US Department of Energy (DOE)


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