Webinar: Creating High‑value Jobs in the Post‑COVID‑19 Recovery with Nuclear Energy Projects

Photo: Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL).



Nuclear power is capable of supplying large amounts of low‑carbon electricity and heat cost‑effectively while creating a large number of high‑value jobs in the local and national economies.

  • The post‑COVID‑19 economic recovery is a perfect opportunity to create jobs and economic development while continuing to move ahead with the energy transition.
  • Investing in nuclear energy creates a large number of high‑skilled jobs, accelerates the transition to a low‑carbon economy, and increases energy resilience.
  • Nuclear energy projects are a proven way to create large numbers of long‑term, high‑skilled domestic jobs that pay premium wages.
  • Nuclear projects provide high spill‑over investment into the local and regional economy.
William Magwood, Director General, NEA
Sama Bilbao y Leon, Head, Nuclear Technology Development and Economics, NEA
Agneta Rising, Director General, World Nuclear Association
Anton Dedusenko, Deputy CEO of Rusatom Energy International JSC (REIN JSC)
Robin Manley, Vice President of Nuclear Regulatory Affairs and Stakeholder Relations, Ontario Power Generation
Jay Shaw, Programme Director, UK Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Center (AMRC)

