Development started on DATIF, the DATabase for IFpe, in 2018 in order to enhance accessibility to the IFPE legacy collection of integral fuel performance experiments data. This collection was jointly put together by the NEA and the IAEA. Work on DATIF was overseen by the Expert Group on Reactor Fuel Performance (EGRFP) under the auspices of the Working Party on Scientific Issues and Uncertainty Analysis of Reactor Systems (WPRS).
DATIF increases the usability of the IFPE data collection by providing:
DATIF currently contains data for ~300 fuel rods corresponding to 22 experiments. This is to be compared with the full IFPE collection which contains ~ 1500 rods from ~90 experiments.
DATIF is distributed within the NEA Package of the full IFPE Collection. Requests for DATIF are made by requesting the latest version of the IFPE data collection here.
Although initially developed to host the IFPE collection, DATIF has been considered from the start as a potential repository for other sources of data. Such sources could cover data from IAEA FUMEX/FUMAC exercises, legacy data from the HRP, and new data resulting from the FIDES programme of work.
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