Review of Nuclear New Build: Project Structure, Supply Chain and Financing (Jan Horst Keppler and Marco Cometto, OECD/NEA Nuclear Development Division)
Technologies and Management Systems that Work: Current Best Practice in Nuclear New Build (John Moore, IAEA)
Session 1 – Are Cost Increases in Nuclear New Build Inevitable?
1.1. Nuclear Reactors' Construction Costs: The Role of Lead Time, Standardization and Technological Progress (Michel Berthélemy and Lina Escobar Rangel, École des Mines)
1.2. Why do Large Construction Projects always perform badly? The Mega-project experience (Naomi Brookes and Giorgio Locatelli,
1.3. Considerations on Nuclear Construction Costs and Project Organisation (Emeric Jannet, Areva)
1.4. What Is Different about Asia? Factors Explaining Differences in Lead Times and Budgeting for New Build in Different Regions (Adrien Worker, Nuclear Study Group)
Session 2 – The Evolution of the Global Nuclear Supply Chain
2.1. The World Nuclear Supply Chain: An Overview (Greg Kaser, WNA)
2.2. Evolution of the Global Nuclear Supply Chain (Chris Savage, Vanbrugh Consulting)
2.3. From Global Logistics Provider to Tier 1 Supplier (Gilles Bonny, Daher Vanatome)
Session 3 – Case Studies
3.1. Experiences with the Construction of European Pressurised Reactors (EPR) at Flamanville and Taishan (Valérie Levkov and Philippe Leigne, EDF)
3.2. Case Studies: The ABWR Project at Shimane, Japan (Sang-Baik Kim, Jan Horst Keppler, OECD/NEA)
3.3. Case Study of V.C. Summer 2 and 3 (Matt Crozat, US DOE)
3.4. Case Study of the VVER Project at Tianwan, China (Vladimir Sozoniuk, OECD/NEA)
Session 4 – Roundtable on Lessons for Future Nuclear New Build Projects
Ron Cameron (OECD/NEA), John Moore (IAEA), Matt Crozat (US DOE), Greg Kaser (WNA).