International Workshop: Nuclear Innovation Roadmap (2050)

Photo: Shutterstock, PopTika.


The two-day international workshop on the Nuclear Innovation Roadmap (NI2050) was held at the OECD Headquarters in Paris on 7-8 July 2015. It brought together some of the leading experts in the field of nuclear fission research, development and demonstration.

The purpose of the workshop was to launch the NEA Nuclear Innovation 2050 Initiative, aiming, after a first survey phase, at producing a roadmap of main priority research programmes and infrastructures necessary to support the role nuclear energy may play in the low carbon power sector of the future. This might then further lead to some adhoc co-operation frameworks that help to effectively implement key priorities coming out of the roadmapping.

The workshop was organised into the following five sessions:

  1. Opening session on NI2050: vision and main objectives
  2. National presentations on nuclear fission research and innovation activities (programmes, infrastructures, budgets)
  3. Presentations on existing international nuclear fission roadmaps and co-operation frameworks
  4. Defining the way forward for NI2050: survey, roadmapping and priorities and co-operation
  5. Open discussion

Expert group working area (password protected)

Workshop Documents & Presentations
General Documents
  List of Participants  
Opening Session on NI2050: Vision and Main Objectives
  Setting the Scene: NEA/IEA Nuclear Energy Roadmap 2050, by Jaejoo Ha
  Scope and organization of the NI2050 project launch , by Marc Deffrennes
National presentations on nuclear fission research & innovation activities (programme, infrastructure, budget)
1. Germany
  Overview of German Situation with Focus on HGF NUSAFE, by W. Tromm - Helmholtz Association
2. Belgium
  Investing in Nuclear Innovation in Belgium, by Hamid Aït Abderrahim and Alberto Fernandez Fernandez - SCKCEN
3. Canada
  Canadian Nuclear Laboratories: Nuclear S&T and Innovation, by R. Speranzini
4. Korean Republic
  ROK's Nuclear Policies and R&D Programs, by Ik Jeong and Lee Gye Seok - KAERI
  Extra Slides  
5. Spain
  R&D Spanish Nuclear Platform, by C. Castelao - CEIDEN
6. United States
  DOE-NE Program, by K. Pasamehmetoglu - INL
7. Finland
  National and Innovation Activities in Nuclear, by E.K. Puska - VTT
8. France
  R&D Strategy: The Essential Tools to Support the Present and Prepare the Future of Nuclear Energy, by P.Y. Cordier - CEA
9. Hungary
  National Research and Innovation Activities in Hungary in the Field of Nuclear Fission, by A. Horvath - MTA EK
10. Italy
  Italian National R&D on Nuclear Fission, by P. Agostini - ENEA
11. Japan
  Nuclear Fission Research and Innovation Activities in Japan, by H. Kamide - JAEA
  Japan's Roadmap for Technology and Human Resources for LWR Safety, by T. Nakatsuka - METI
12. Netherlands
  Research & Innovation Activities, by F. Roelofs - NRG
13. Poland
  Nuclear Research Infrastructure in Poland, by G. Wrochna - NCBJ
14. Slovak Republic
  Oral Report
15. Czech Republic
  Nuclear Fission Research and Innovation Activities in the Czech Republic, by L. Zezula - UJV REZ
16. United Kingdom
  UK Nuclear Energy R&D, by F. Rayment - UKNNL 
17. Slovenia
  Nuclear Fission Research and Inovation Funding in Slovenia,  by L. Cizelj - JSI 
18. Switzerland
  Research in Switzerland at Nuclear Energy and Safety Division, PSI, by M.A. Zimmermann, PSI
19. European Commission
  Euratom – Horizon 2020 Framework Programme Fission Safety Research, by B. Schmitz - DG RTD
  Overview of JRC's Nuclear Safety, Safeguards and Security Activities, by M. Martin-Ramos - DG JRC
20. Russian Federation
  Nuclear R&D Activities in Russia, by L. Andreeva-Andrievskaya - ROSATOM
21. International Atomic Energy Agency
  Outlines of IAEA Activities in Support of Research and Innovation in the Field of Nuclear Energy, by S. Monti - IAEA
Defining the Way Forward for NI2050: Survey, Roadmapping and Priorities, Cooperation
1. GIF 2014 Update of the Technology Roadmap, by H. Paillère - GIF NEA Technical Secretariat
2. SNETP Technology Platforms Roadmap: Deployment Strategy, by Marylise Caron-Charles - SNETP
3. NEA Research Activities: Joint Safety Research Projects, Nuclear Science Programmes, by  J. Gulliford - NSC & A. Breest - Joint Projects
4. OECD Halden Reactor Project, by M. McGrath - IFE
5. An Overview of Research Reactors by IGORR Forum, by G. Bignan - IGORR CEA
6. IAEA designated International Centre Based on Research Reactor, by S. Monti - IAEA
Proposal and Questions for the NI2050 Process
  Survey Process, by M. Deffrennes
Open Discussion