Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage (CSC)

The CSC provides for a global liability and compensation scheme that may supplement that called for under the Paris Convention, the Vienna Convention or Annex state legislation as defined by the CSC.

  • Adopted: 12 September 1997
  • Opened for signature: 29 September 1997
  • Entered into force: 15 April 2015
  • Parties: 11 (see table below)

More information on the CSC, including the text and current status, is available here.

The following is a sampling of the articles related to the CSC that have been published in the Nuclear Law Bulletin and Principles and Practice of International Nuclear Law:

  • The Compensation Convention: Path to a Global Regime for Dealing with Legal Liability and Compensation for Nuclear Damage, by B. McRae (NLB 61, p. 25).
  • Maritime Zones and the New Provisions on Jurisdiction in the 1997 Vienna Protocol and in the 1997 Convention on Supplementary Compensation, by A. Gioia (NLB 63, p. 25).
  • The Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage: Catalyst for a Global Nuclear Liability Regime, by B. McRae (NLB 79, p. 17).
  • International Pooling of Operators' Funds: An Option to Increase the Amount of Financial Security to Cover Nuclear Liability?, by N. Pelzer (NLB 79, p. 37).
  • Perspective on the Pros and Cons of a Pooling-type Approach to Nuclear Third Party Liability, by S. Carroll (NLB 81, p. 75).
  • Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage (CSC) and harmonisation of nuclear liability law within the European Union, by B. McRae (NLB 87, p. 73).
  • Through the looking glass: placing India's new civil liability regime for nuclear damage in context, by R. J. Gruendel and E. Reynaers Kini (NLB 89, p. 45).
  • Progress towards a global nuclear liability regime (NLB 93, p. 9).
  • The Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage and participation by developing countries: A South African perspective, by D. Davies (NLB 93, p. 25).
  • Entry into force of the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear damage: Opening the umbrella, by B. McRae (NLB 95, p. 7).
  • Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments on civil liability for nuclear damage, by U. Magnus (NLB 106, p. 7).
  • The qualification of nuclear substances and nuclear liability, by E. de Boissieu (NLB 108/109, p. 77).
  • Applicability of the existing nuclear liability conventions to different types of small modular reactors currently under development, by V. Roland (NLB 110, p. 7).
  • Liability and compensation for third party damage resulting from a nuclear incident, by J.A. Schwatrz (Principles and Practice of International Nuclear Law, p. 409).
  • Insurance of nuclear risks, by S. M. S. Reitsma and M. G. Tetley (Principles and Practice of International Nuclear Law, p. 445).


Parties to the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage
Argentina* Montenegro
Benin Morocco
Canada* Romania*
Ghana United Arab Emirates*
India* United States*

* Country with at least one nuclear power plant in operation.