International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings (Terrorist Bombings Convention)

The Terrorist Bombings Convention's objective is to enhance international co-operation among states in devising and adopting effective and practical measures for the prevention of acts of terrorism and for the prosecution and punishment of its perpetrators.

  • Adopted: 15 December 1997
  • Opened for signature: 12 January 1998
  • Entered into force: 23 May 2001
  • Parties: 170 (see table below)

The text of the Terrorist Bombings Convention is available here

More information on the Terrorist Bombings Convention, including the status, is available here.

The following article related to the Terrorist Bombings Convention was published in the Nuclear Law Bulletin:

  • The Universal Legal Framework Against Terrorism, by W. Gehr (NLB 79, p. 5).


Parties to the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings
Afghanistan Costa Rica Indonesia Mongolia Senegal
Albania Côte d'Ivoire Iraq Montenegro Serbia
Algeria Croatia Ireland Morocco Seychelles
Andorra Cuba Israel Mozambique Sierra Leone
Antigua and Barbuda Cyprus Italy Myanmar Singapore
Argentina* Czechia* Jamaica Namibia Slovak Republic*
Armenia* Democratic Republic of the Congo Japan* Nauru Slovenia*
Australia Denmark Kazakhstan Netherlands* Solomon Islands
Austria Djibouti Kenya New Zealand South Africa*
Azerbaijan Dominica Kiribati Nicaragua Spain*
Bahamas Dominican Republic Korea* Niger Sri Lanka
Bahrain Egypt Kuwait Nigeria Sudan
Bangladesh El Salvador Kyrgyzstan Niue Sweden*
Barbados Equatorial Guinea Lao People's Democratic Republic North Macedonia Switzerland*
Belarus* Estonia Latvia Norway Tajikistan
Belgium* Eswatini Lesotho Pakistan Tanzania
Belize Ethiopia Liberia Palau Thailand
Benin Fiji Libya Panama Togo
Bolivia Finland* Liechtenstein Papua New Guinea Tonga
Bosnia and Herzegovina France* Lithuania Paraguay Trinidad and Tobago
Botswana Gabon Luxembourg Peru Tunisia
Brazil Georgia Madagascar Philippines Türkiye
Brunei Darussalam Germany Malawi Poland Turkmenistan
Bulgaria Ghana Malaysia Portugal Uganda
Burkina Faso Greece Maldives Qatar Ukraine*
Cabo Verde Grenada Mali Romania* United Arab Emirates*
Cambodia Guatemala Malta Russia* United Kingdom*
Cameroon Guinea Marshall Islands Rwanda United States*
Canada* Guinea-Bissau Mauritania Saint Kitts and Nevis Uruguay
Central African Republic Guyana Mauritius Saint Lucia Uzbekistan
Chile Honduras Mexico* Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Venezuela
China* Hungary* Micronesia San Marino Viet Nam
Colombia Iceland Moldova Sao Tome and Principe Yemen
Comoros India Monaco Saudi Arabia Zambia

* Country with at least one nuclear power plant in operation.