The objective of the Amendment to the CPPNM is to achieve and maintain worldwide effective physical protection of nuclear material and of nuclear facilities used for peaceful purposes; to prevent and combat offences relating to such material and facilities worldwide; as well as to facilitate co-operation among states parties to those ends. It extends and enhances the scope of the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM).
More information on the Amendment to the CPPNM, including the text and current status, is available here.
The following articles related to the Amendment to the CPPNM were published in the Nuclear Law Bulletin and Principles and Practice of International Nuclear Law:
Contracting States to the Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material | ||||
Albania | Costa Rica | Italy | Mozambique | Senegal |
Algeria | Côte d’Ivoire | Jamaica | Myanmar | Serbia |
Angola | Croatia | Japan* | Namibia | Seychelles |
Antigua and Barbuda | Cuba | Jordan | Nauru | Singapore |
Argentina* | Cyprus | Kazakhstan | Netherlands* | Slovak Republic* |
Armenia* | Czechia* | Kenya | New Zealand | Slovenia* |
Australia | Denmark | Korea* | Nicaragua | South Africa* |
Austria | Djibouti | Kuwait | Niger | Spain* |
Azerbaijan | Dominican Republic | Kyrgyzstan | Nigeria | Sweden* |
Bahrain | Ecuador | Lao People's Democratic Republic | North Macedonia | Switzerland* |
Bangladesh | El Salvador | Latvia | Norway | Syrian Arab Republic |
Belarus* | Eritrea | Lesotho | Oman | Tajikistan |
Belgium* | Estonia | Liberia | Palestinian Authority | Thailand |
Benin | Eswatini | Libya | Pakistan* | Tunisia |
Bolivia | Fiji | Liechtenstein | Panama | Türkiye |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Finland* | Lithuania | Paraguay | Turkmenistan |
Botswana | France* | Luxembourg | Peru | Ukraine* |
Brazil* | Gabon | Madagascar | Philippines | United Arab Emirates* |
Bulgaria* | Georgia | Malawi | Poland | United Kingdom* |
Bukina Faso | Germany | Mali | Portugal | United States* |
Cameroon | Ghana | Malta | Qatar | Uruguay |
Canada* | Greece | Marshall Islands | Romania* | Uzbekistan |
Chad | Hungary* | Mauritania | Russia* | Viet Nam |
Chile | Iceland | Mexico* | Rwanda | Zimbabwe |
China* | India* | Moldova | Saint Kitts and Nevis | EURATOM |
Colombia | Indonesia | Monaco | Saint Lucia | |
Comoros | Ireland | Montenegro | San Marino | |
Congo | Israel | Morocco | Saudi Arabia |