Nuclear energy supply

There are three components to the costs of electricity:

  • Plant-level costs of generation, which include the actual concrete or steel used to build the plant, as well as the fuel and the human resources needed to run it.
  • Grid-level costs that different generating units impose on the system in order to connect to the grid and to be able to bring electricity to individual customers. This includes the costs of maintaining spinning reserves or additional dispatchable capacity available to compensate for when variable sources are not available.
  • Social and environmental costs that different technologies impose on the well-being of individuals and communities. They include things like air pollution, climate change, land use, energy security, employment and economic development, or spin-off developments born from technology innovation.
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Publications and reports
NEA work on this topic

The NEA continues to review the role of nuclear energy in the broader perspective of climate change and sustainable development. The Agency analyses the economics of nuclear power across the full nuclear fuel cycle as well as at the system level in the context of changes in electricity markets, social acceptance and technological advances, and assist member countries in evaluating the role of nuclear energy in their energy policies.

The NEA is also currently exploring with a number of member countries the possibility of undertaking tailor-made system cost studies based on national energy mixes and flexibility resources, as well as on their specific carbon reduction objectives. 
