A cabinet containing copper bus before the HEAF test (left) and after the test(right). Source: NRC
Massive electrical discharges, referred to as high energy arcing faults (HEAF), have occurred in nuclear power plant switching off components throughout the world. These incidents have been increasing because of ageing infrastructures and growing energy demand. Co-ordinated by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the HEAF Project was initiated in 2012 to perform experiments on a variety of electrical cabinets in order to obtain scientific data on HEAF phenomena through carefully designed experiments. Phase 1 of the HEAF project was completed in 2016. The report concluded with recommendations for areas requiring further testing, in particular to better understand the importance of specific variables such as bus bar material, operating voltage, current and arc duration on the severity of the HEAF.
In February 2017, an International Phenomena Identification and Ranking Table (PIRT) exercise was held to identify phenomena of the highest importance with the least amount of knowledge available on HEAF events. This exercise tentatively identified aluminium oxidation, pressure effects, the characteristics of target structures and mitigating factors (e.g. HEAF shields) as being areas for further research. Discussions were completed with representatives from ten partners in nine countries to initiate a second phase of the project.
The second phase of the project, HEAF-2, comprised of electrical enclosures and bus ducts tests was completed in 2024. Electrical enclosure tests have been designed using the same enclosure configuration for repeatability and based on typical plant design for representativeness. Some of the enclosures tested in the project were dismounted from nuclear power plants under decommissioning. The bus bar tests were designed for a known and reliable arc location and plasma ejection direction.
In parallel with phase 2 of the HEAF project, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) conducted a domestic test programme together with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), focusing among others on the influence of aluminium oxidation. Relevant test results will be shared with HEAF-2 project members.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the first tests were postponed to the middle of 2022. A first series of six tests was conducted at the end of August 2022 together with additional domestic tests whose results were shared with the project. The focus of these tests was on bus bars and bus ducts, comparing material effects between aluminium and copper. A second experimental series was conducted in August 2023 focusing on low- and medium-voltage electrical enclosure tests in different configurations. Additional heat release tests on electrical enclosures were performed in October 2023, completing the experimental programme. The project was extended until June 2024 to complete the analysis and reporting of the collected information.
The results from phase 2 of the HEAF project document the thermal and mechanical damage caused by HEAF events for realistic equipment configurations. The data collected from the experimental series allow member countries to assess the adequacy of their hazards assessment and support updating those methods where applicable. The final summary report of the project was approved by the CSNI in December 2024.
HEAF members' area (password protected | reminder)
Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Spain and the United States.
February 2019 - June 2024
EUR 2.38 million