Co-operative Programme for the Exchange of Scientific and Technical Information on Nuclear Installation Decommissioning Projects (CPD)
Joint project

The International Co-operative Programme for the Exchange of Scientific and Technical Information Concerning Nuclear Installation Decommissioning Projects (CPD) is a joint undertaking of a limited number of organisations actively executing or planning the decommissioning of nuclear facilities. The objective of the CPD Programme, launched in 1985, is to exchange and share information from operational experience in decommissioning nuclear installations useful for current and future projects. Initially consisting of 10 decommissioning projects in 8 countries, the programme has since grown to the present 73 projects (42 reactors and 31 fuel cycle facilities) in 14 NEA member countries, one non-NEA member and the European Commission (EC). The current agreement came into force on 7 May 2024 and will expire on 6 May 2029.

Information exchange also ensures that best international practice is made widely available and encourages the application of safe, environmentally sound and cost-effective methods in all decommissioning projects. Biannual meetings of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) are held, during which the site of one of the participating projects is visited, and positive and less positive examples of decommissioning experience are openly exchanged for the benefit of all. At the end of each year, the CPD Management Board meeting is held at NEA headquarters near Paris, France.

To make use of decommissioning knowledge and experience accumulated within the CPD, a database, called the TAG Knowledge Base, was created on the NEA website to allow CPD members to easily access the CPD reactor project and fuel facility information. The database is to be continuously updated with data from CPD members shared during TAG meetings.


Members' working area

The CPD protected area is now hosted on MyNEA SharePoint

Please follow these steps to connect to SharePoint:

  • Enter your email address and your NEA password (password reminder).
  • Select ‘MyNEA Access Authentication Agent 3.1’.
  • You will receive an email with an additional access code. Enter the access code to log in to the page.

The MyNEA End User Guide is available online here: User's guide: myNEA


Belgium, Canada, Chinese Taipei, Denmark, European Commission, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States.

Project period

Current agreement: May 2024 - May 2029


EUR 375 K over 5 years