32nd WPEC meetings

The Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC) was established to promote the exchange of information on nuclear data evaluations, measurements, nuclear model calculations, validation, and related topics, and to provide a framework for co-operative activities between the participating projects. The working party assesses the needs for nuclear data improvements and addresses those needs by initiating joint evaluation and/or measurement efforts through its different sub-groups.

Practical information

How to get to the NEA


Please note that this schedule is subject to revision as we reorganise as WebEx meetings. Connection details will be sent to all approved meeting registrants before 4 May 2020. Please register before 11 April 2020.

11 May Morning SG 45 SG 44  
12 May Morning EG-GNDS SG 47
13 May Morning SG 43 EG-HPRL SG 48
Afternoon SG 49 SG 46
14 May Morning
Afternoon   WPEC
15 May Morning
Meeting activities

WPEC Meeting, 14-15 May 2020

Proposed agenda

Summary record of the previous meeting, June 2019

WPEC-31 (2019)

Membership and observers (May 2020)


Review of WPEC actions and report progress

Action items raised at WPEC-31 (2019)

Review of the status of WPEC reports, presentation (Secretariat)

Reports on activities from international organisations

Report on Nuclear Science activities at NEA (TBC), presentation (NEA)

Report on Nuclear Data Section activities at IAEA (TBC), presentation (IAEA)

Reports on experimental activities

China (TBC), presentation (China)

Europe (TBC), presentation (Europe)

Japan (TBC), presentation (Japan)

Russia (TBC), presentation (Russia)

USA (TBC), presentation (USA)

Brief progress reports from the evaluation projects

BROND (TBC), presentation (BROND)

CENDL (TBC), presentation (CENDL)

ENDF (TBC), presentation (ENDF)

JEFF (TBC), presentation (JEFF)

JENDL (TBC), presentation (JENDL)

TENDL (TBC), presentation (TENDL)

Status of subgroups

Subgroup 43: Code infrastructure to support a modern general nuclear database (GND) structure, presentation (SG43)

Subgroup 44: Investigation of Covariance Data in General Purpose Nuclear Data Libraries, presentation (SG44)

Subgroup 45: Validation of Nuclear Data Libraries (VaNDaL) Project, presentation (SG45)

Subgroup 46: Efficient and Effective Use of Integral Experiments for Nuclear Data Validation, presentation (SG46)

Subgroup 47: Use of Shielding Integral Benchmark Archive and Database for Nuclear Data Validation, presentation (SG47)

Subgroup 48: Advances in Thermal Scattering Law Analysis, presentation (SG48)

Subgroup 49: Reproducibility in Nuclear Data Evaluation, presentation (SG49)

Status of Expert Groups

Expert Group - High Priority Request List (EG-HPRL), presentation (SGC)

Expert Group - Recommended Definition of General Nuclear Database Structure (EG-GNDS), presentation (SGB)

New subgroup proposals

TBC, proposal, presentation

Conferences and meetings of interest to the nuclear data community

ND2022, California, United States, presentation

11 - 15 May 2020
NEA Headquarters, Boulogne-Billancourt, France