
Nuclear legislation

Nuclear Legislation in OECD and NEA Countries: France       FRENCH
Regulatory and Institutional Framework for Nuclear Activities
This country profile provides a detailed review of a full range of nuclear law topics, including: the general regulatory regime, including mining; radioactive substances and equipment; nuclear installations; trade in nuclear materials; radiation protection; radioactive waste management; non-proliferation and physical protection; transport; and nuclear third party liability. This profile was last updated in 2011.


  • Act No. 2006-686 of 13 June 2006 on Transparency and Security in the Nuclear Field [French]
  • Environmental Code, Legislative Part, Article L.125-10 to L.125-40 [French], Articles L. 542-1 to L. 542-14 [French] and Articles L. 591-1 to L. 597-46 [French]
  • Public Health Code, Legislative Part, Articles L. 1333-1 to L. 1333-32 [French]
  • Defence Code, Legislative Part, Articles L. 1333-1 to L. 1333-20 [French]
  • Labour Code, Legislative Part, Articles L. 4451-1 and L. 4451-4 [French]
  • Energy Code, Legislative Part, Articles L. 311-5 to L. 311-9 [French] and Articles L.336-1 to L. 336-10 [French]
  • Act No. 2006-686 of 13 June 2006 on Transparency and Security in the Nuclear Field [French]


  • Environmental Code, Regulatory Part, Articles R. 592-1 to R. 596-17 [French], Articles R. 542-1 to D. 542-96 [French] and Articles R. 125-49 to R. 125-87 [French]
  • Public Health Code, Regulatory Part, Articles R. 1333-1 to R. 1333-175 [French]
  • Defence Code, Regulatory Part, Articles R. 1333-1 to D. 1333-79 [French]
  • Labour Code, Regulatory Part, Articles R. 4451-1 to R. 4451-135 [French]
  • Energy Code, Regulatory Part, Articles R. 311-1 to R. 311-11-1 [French] and Articles R. 336-1 to R. 336-44 [French]
  • Decree No. 2007-243 of 23 February 2007 on the securing of the financing of nuclear charges [French]
  • Decree No. 2007-1557 of 2 November 2007 concerning basic nuclear installations and the supervision of the transport of radioactive materials with respect to nuclear safety [French]
  • Decree No. 2008-209 of 3 March 2008 on the procedure applicable for the management of foreign spent fuel and radioactive waste [French]
  • Decree No. 2016-333 of 21 March 2016 implementing Article L. 597-28 of the Environmental Code and relating to third party liability in the field of nuclear energy [French]
  • Ministerial order of 7 February 2012 laying down general rules for the basic nuclear installations [French]

Related links

OECD and NEA Member Country Participation: France
Includes country-specific information on the status of adherence to the multilateral agreements of highest import to international nuclear law.

IAEA Country Fact Sheet: France
Includes country-specific information on the status of adherence to treaties under IAEA auspices.

IEA Country Profile: France
Includes country-specific energy data and statistics, reports, analyses, policies, and news and events.

Radioactive Waste Management Programmes in NEA Member Countries:

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