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Russian evaluated neutron data library, 2016. The library is in ENDF-6 format and contains data for 372 files for isotopes from hydrogen to curium and the incident neutron energies from the thermal one up to 20 MeV.
The Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library, released in December 2009. The library contains neutron-induced data up to 20 MeV for 240 materials from 1-H-1 to 98-Cf-249.
The US evaluated nuclear data library released in December 2011. The library is divided into 14 sublibraries:
The library is in ENDF-6 format and contains data for more than 400 materials from 1-H-1 to 100-Fm-255. The reference to the ENDB/B-VII.1 library is Nuclear Data Sheets, Vol. 112, Issue 12, December 2011.
The Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion File is an evaluated library produced via an international collaboration of Data Bank member countries co-ordinated by the JEFF Scientific Co-ordination Group, under the auspices of the NEA Data Bank. The JEFF-3.2 general purpose library has been released on March 5, 2014 and contains incident neutron data for 472 nuclides or elements from 1-H-1 to 100-Fm-255.
Japanese Evaluated Neutron Data Library, released in 2010. The library is in ENDF-6 format and contains data for 406 materials from 1-H-1 to 100-Fm-255.
Russian File of Evaluated Neutron Data, released in 2010. The library is in ENDF-6 format and contains data for 686 materials from 1-H-1 to 100-Fm-257.
International Standards 2006
International Neutron cross-section standards are important in the measurement and evaluation of all other neutron reaction cross-sections. Not many cross-sections can be defined as absolute - most cross-sections are measured relative to the cross-section standards for normalization to absolute values.
The need to re-evaluate the cross-section standards at the beginning of the 21st century is based on the appearance of a significant amount of precise experimental data and developments in the methodology of analysis and evaluation.
The evaluations of the neutron cross-section standards were finalized in October 2005. The new evaluations of the cross-section standards also include covariance matrices of the uncertainties that contain fully justifiable values. Significant contributions to the experimental database were made by participants of the WPEC Subgroup 7.
TENDL is a nuclear data library which provides in ENDF format the output of the TALYS nuclear model code system for direct use in both basic physics and applications. The TENDL library is based on both default and adjusted TALYS calculations and is complemented by data from other sources whenever required, e.g. in the resolved resonance region.
Russian activation data library released in 1993. The library contains 20,049 excitation functions of reactions on stable and unstable targets for neutron energies up to 20 MeV. The library is in a psuedo ENDF-6 format - i.e. generally follows ENDF formatting rules, but with some modifications to allow description of reactions leading to metastable states.
The Evaluated Atomic Data Library of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA, was released in 1992 in the ENDL format. It contains evaluated atomic subshell and relaxation data for isolated neutral atoms, including fluorescence yields, subshell parameters(e.g. binding energies), both radioactive and non-radioactive transition probabilities, and energy deposition terms.
The European Activation File (EAF) is an extensive data library prepared for the European Activation System (EASY).The EAF-2010 activation-transmutation neutron nuclear data library includes 816 target isotopes for neutron energy ranging from 10-5 eV to 60 MeV. Parts of the original EAF-2010 in EAF format library has been translated into ENDF-6 format.
The Evaluated Electron Interaction Data Library of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA, was released in 1992 in the ENDL format. It contains energy-dependent evaluated electron interaction cross-section data and related parameters for all elements from 1-H to 100-Fm for incident electon energies from 10 eV, or threshold, to 100 GeV.
The European Fusion File contains data for 80 materials of interest for fusion neutronic design calculations, from 1-H-1 to 83-Bi-209. Although the file comforms to the legal ENDF-6 format, the "original" file contains data in such detail that difficulties may occur during processing of the data. Hence, some of the evaluations have also been provided in a "user's version" with lumped reaction mechanisms to allow processing without any difficulty.
The Evaluated Photon Interaction Data Library of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA, was released in 1992 in the ENDL format. It contains complete information for particle-transport for z = 1 to 100 for incident photon energies from 10 eV, or threshold, to 100 GeV.
Fusion Evaluated Nuclear Data Library (FENDL-2.1)
FENDL-2.1 is a comprehensive nuclear data library for fusion applications, developed in the frame of the international effort coordinated by the IAEA Nuclear Data Section. FENDL-2.1 consists of 71 materials relevant for fusion. Processed data (300 K) is also available. The library was released in December 2004.
The International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) is a standardized evaluated cross section library of neutron dosimetry reactions with uncertainty information that supersedes a widely used IRDF-2002 library. The IRDFF contains cross section data and related decay data for 74 dosimetry reactions, and absorption data for three cover materials B, Cd and Gd used during the irradiation of some specific detectors.
The JEFF 3.1/A library is the Activation Data Library in ENDF-6 format prepared from the European Activation File (EAF-2003). The JEFF-3.1/A library contains 12,617 excitation functions involving 774 different targets from 1H to 257Fm, atomic numbers Z=1-100, in the energy range 10-5 eV to 20 MeV. Uniquely, an uncertainty file is also provided that quantifies the degree of confidence placed on the data for each reaction channel.
JEFDOC-982 "The JEFF-3.0/A Neutron Activation File - EAF-2003 into ENDF-6 format -"
JEFF-3.1/RDD (Updated in Nov. 2007: JEFF-3.1.1/RDD)
The JEFF-3.1 Radioactive Decay Data (RDD) library contains 3,852 nuclides from the neutron to 272Rg. and is described in detail in JEFF Report 20 , "The JEFF-3.1/-3.1.1 radioactive decay data and fission yields sub-libraries". The basis for the selection of isotopes were taken from the NUBASE-2003 file, which contains basic nuclear properties, hence all known isomers were identified from here. Three evaluated libraries, UKPADD-6.4, UKHEDD-2.4 (from the UK) and DDEP (from Laboratoire National Henri Bequerel (LNHB) at Saclay, France), were used instead of NUBASE-2003 for almost 600 nuclei. About 900 nuclei were also selected from the ENSDF library. An updated Radioactive Decay Data Library, JEFF-3.1.1/RDD, was released in November 2007. 59 Isotopes were modified and minor corrections were made.
JEFF-3.1/FY (Updated in 2009: JEFF-3.1.1/FY)
The fission product yield libraries include independent and cumulative yields for the neutron-induced fission of 232Th, 233,234,235,236,238U, 237,238Np, 238,239,240,241,242Pu, 241,242m, 243Am, 243,244,245Cm and the spontaneous fission of 242,244Cm and 252Cf. The data represent a development of the UKFY3 file. The principle changes from earlier libraries includes: an extended experimental database, calculation of the cumulative yields using the JEFF-3.1/-3.1.1 decay data, improved calculation of uncertainties in the yields, improved adjustment to the physical constraints and the inclusion of new ternary yield data for 3H and 4He from Serot, Wagemans et al, "New Results on Helium and Tritium Gas Production From Ternary Fission", ND2004,AIP,CP-769,857(2005).
JENDL Actinoid File 2008 (JENDL/AC-2008) provides nuclear data of neutron induced nuclear reactions for actinide nuclides from Ac (Z=89) to Fm (Z=100). The number of nuclides in JENDL/AC-2008 is 79. The energy range of incident neutrons is from 10-5 eV to 20 MeV.
The data are compiled in the ENDF-6 format.
JENDL (alpha,n) Reaction Data File 2005 (JENDL/AN-2005) contains neutron production cross sections of 17 nuclides for alpha-particle induced reactions.
JENDL High Energy File 2007 (JENDL/HE-2007). Neutron- and proton-induced reaction data up to 3 GeV for 106 nuclides.
JENDL Photonuclear Data File 2004 (JENDL/PD-2004). Photon-induced reaction data up to 140 MeV for 68 nuclides.
JENDL FP Decay Data File 2011 (JENDL/FPD-2011). Decay data of 1284 FP nuclides (of which 142 nuclides are stable).
JENDL FP Fission Yields Data File 2011 (JENDL/FPY-2011). The data includes 31 neutron-induced and 9 spontaneous fission yield files.
The Medium Energy Nuclear Data Library (MENDL) is a neutron reaction data library for nuclear activation and transmutation at intermediate energies. The library contains, for 505 stable and unstable target nuclides, production cross-sections for the formation of radioactive product nuclides for incident neutrons with energies up to 100 MeV. The nuclide cover the range from 13-Al-26 to 84-Po-210 with half-lives larger than one day, and contains data for 57500 threshold reactions. The format generally follows ENDF formatting rules, but with a free choice of MT number to identify different reactions.
To satisfy the increasing needs of nuclear data at intermediate energies the Proton Activation Data File (PADF-2007) has been generated. It contains 418,575 excitation functions of nuclear reactions for 2355 target nuclei from Mg to Ra at proton energies up to 150 MeV. The data are given for stable and unstable target nuclei including isomeric targets with half-lifes more than one second. The cross-sections were obtained on the basis of model calculations using the TALYS and the ALICE/ASH codes and available experimental data.
The Russian Reactor Dosimetry File, RRDF-98, contains evaluations of cross section data performed at the Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, for 22 neutron induced dosimetry reactions: 12C(n,2n), 16O(n,2n), 19F(n,2n), 24Mg(n,p), 46Ti(n,2n), 46Ti(n,p), 47,48,49Ti(n,x), 48Ti(n,p),51V(n,α), 54Fe(n,2n), 54Fe(n,α), 56Fe(n,p), 59Co(n,α), 63Cu(n,α), 75As(n,2n), 93Nb(n,2n), 93Nb(n,n'), 103Rh(n,n'), 115In(n,n'), 141Pr(n,2n). The dataset also contains the corresponding covariance matrices. For estimation of correlations between experimental data the total uncertainties of measured cross sections have been separated into statistical and systematic parts and correlation coefficients between components of systematic parts were assigned according to information given in the original publications and EXFOR library. Then the correlation matrix of cross sections measured within one experiment was calculated and approximated by matrix with a constant (average) correlation coefficient. The overall correlation matrix was composed of such submatricies in the assumption that the cross sections measured in different experiments do not correlate with each other. It should be noted that such procedure of the statistical analyses guarantees positive definiteness of the covariance matrices of evaluated cross sections.
The library is in ENDF-6 format (MF=3 and MF=33).
The UKFY-4.1 library extends the UKFY-4 library to include photon induced fission, and spontaneous fission yields for 39 nuclides identified in the JEFF-3.1.1 decay data library as undergoing spontaneous fission. It should be noted that heavier nuclides exist that spontaneously fission, but due to their short half-lives and extremely low production in applied science it was decided to ignore them. The library was produced using the CYFP code from LANL, but with some modifications to allow the photon induced and spontaneous fission to be handled easily.
In addition to the extra data, the UKFY-4.1 cumulative yields have been made consistent with the JEFF-3.1.1 decay data. It should be noted that this calculation of cumulative yields ignored decays from nuclides with half-lives of greater than 1000 years, as in the JEFF-3.1 fission yield library. The library is in ENDF-6 format.
The UK Heavy Element Decay Data library (UKHEDD) contains recommended decay data for 125 actinides that constitute reactor fuels and are formed through an extensive series of neutron reactions prior to and including their natural radioactive decay. No new evaluations have been undertaken for this release, with the changes being confined to the basic structure of the files. The library is in ENDF-6 format.
The UK Activation Product Decay Data library (UKPADD) contains radioactive decay data for 595 activation products (including some fission products). The library is in ENDF-6 format.
The Waste Incineration Nuclear Data library (WIND) contains evaluated data for 576 neutron induced fission and threshold reactions for isotpes of U, Np and Pu, and one file containing data for 32 proton induced reactions for U-238, in the energy range up to 100 MeV. The format generally follows ENDF formatting rules, but with a free choice of MT number to identify different reactions.
This library, released in 1982, was part of the ENDL library. It contains neutron activation cross-sections for 255 targe nuclei for incident energies up to 20 MeV.
Russian evaluated neutron data library, issued in 1992 and updated in 1993. The library is in ENDF-6 format and contains data for 121 materials from 1-H-1 to 96-Cm-244.
Chinese Evaluated Neutron Data Library issued in 1991, updated and supplemented in 1993 and 1995. The library is in ENDF-6 format and contains data for 67 materials from 1-H-1 to 98-Cf-249.
The European Activation File (EAF) is an extensive data library prepared for the European Activation System (EASY). The EAF-2007 library contains a suite of sublibraries. The neutron data library contains 65,565 excitation functions involving 816 different targets from 1H to 257Fm, atomic numbers 1 to 100, in the energy range 10-5 eV to 60 MeV. The EAF-2007 library includes also deuteron-induced data (66,864 reactions) and proton-induced data (67,925 reactions).
The EAF decay data library contains nuclear properties of 2,231 nuclides, such as spin, decay modes, half-life and mean decay energies. The EAF biological, clearance and transport libraries are also included. The data contains biological, clearance and transport coefficients of all the 2,004 radionuclides in the libraries, such as activity, committed effective doses per unit uptake for ingestion and inhalation, the source of the biological data, the transport coefficient (A2) and the clearance level value.
Order DVD for free containing EAF-2007, as well as EAF-2001, EAF-2003 EAF-2005, and EAF-2005.1 (an updated and extended release of EAF-2005). The complete documentation of the different libraries is also included (in pdf format).
The 1974 version of the US Evaluated Nuclear Data library (ENDF/B) library conatins neutron reaction data and differential data for 90 materials in the energy range 10-5 eV to 20 MeV. The library is in ENDF-4 format.
US Evaluated Nuclear Data Library of 1979. The library is structured according to tapes, with the following allocations:
The library is in ENDF-5 format.
ENDF/B-VI (release 8)
US evaluated nuclear data library released in 1990, with revisions in 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2002. The library is divided into the following sublibraries; incident neutron data (general purpose library), radioactive decay data, fission yields data, thermal scattering law data, photo-atomic interaction data, incident charged-particle data, activation data, and dosimetry data. Two high-energy data libraries also exist, containing neutron and proton reaction data up to 1 GeV incident energy.
The general purpose library is in ENDF-6 format and contains data for 440 materials from 1-H-1 to 99-Es-253, with approximately 30 materials having evaluations upto 150 MeV. The proton sub-library has been significantly increased and now contains 34 evaluations.
The US evaluated nuclear data library released in December 2006. The library is divided into the following 14 sublibraries:
The library is in ENDF-6 format and contains data for about 400 materials from 1-H-1 to 100-Fm-255. The reference to the ENDB/B-VII.0 library is Nuclear Data Sheets, Vol. 107, 12(2006).
The 1978 version of the Evaluated Neutron Data Library of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) contains evaluated neutron cross sections and differential data and neutron induced photon production data for 85 materials for incident energies from 10-4 eV to 20 MeV. The library is in ENDF-5 format.
The 1986 version of the Evaluated Neutron Data Library of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in ENDL Transmittal Format.
Evaluated nuclear data library for calculations in fusion (and other) applications, produced by the IAEA Nuclear Data Section, in collaboration with several national nuclear data centres and research groups. Sub-libraries exist for activation (FENDL/PA), decay (FENDL/D), dosimetry (IRDF-90v2), fusion (FENDL/C) and transport applications (FENDL/E).
FENDL-2.0 is a comprehensive nuclear data library for fusion applications, developed in the frame of the international effort coordinated by the
IAEA Nuclear Data Section and released in December 1998. Sub-libraries exist for activation (FENDL/A), decay (FENDL/D), dosimetry (FENDL/DS), fusion (FENDL/C), transport applications (FENDL/E) and validation (VALIDATION) containing a collection of benchmarks.
This library is the IAEA Nuclear Data Library for Various neutron data evaluations in ENDF-5 format. It is not a comprehensive file of recommended and consistent evaluations, but rather a collection of available evaluations which are "complete" in the sense that they are suitable for neutron transport calculations. The file contains evaluations for 196 materials.
This is a supplement to the INDL/A library (IAEA Nuclear Data Library for evaluated neutron reaction data of Actinides). It contains five evaluations by V.A. Konshin for U-235, Pu-239,240,241,242 . The data are in ENDF-5 format.
The 1985 version of the International Reactor Dosimetry File (IRDF). The data are in a a 640 group-structure (SAND-II extended to 20 MeV) in ENDF-5 format.
The International Reactor Dosimetry File (IRDF-90) version 2, was released in 1993. The library contains neutron cross section data for 58 reactions used for reactor dosimetry by foil activation. The data is in ENDF-6 format, processed into 640 group structure. It also contains radiation damage cross-sections for 4 materials in ENDF-V format, and spectra daa files in ENDF-5 format for 10 benchmark neutron fields.
The International Reactor Dosimetry File (IRDF-2002) was released in 2002. The objective of the project was to prepare and distribute a standardised, updated and benchmarked evaluated cross section library of neutron dosimetry reactions with uncertainty information (IRDF-2002) for use in lifetime management assessments of nuclear power reactors and other applications.
The Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion File is an evaluated library produced via an international collaboration of Data Bank member countries co-ordinated under the auspices of the NEA Data Bank. The JEFF-3.1.2 library contains an updated neutron file, whereas other sublibraries are identical to JEFF-3.1.1.
The Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion File is an evaluated library produced via an international collaboration of Data Bank member countries co-ordinated under the auspices of the NEA Data Bank. The JEFF-3.1.1 library contains an updated neutron file, whereas incident proton data and thermal neutron scattering law data are identical to JEFF-3.1.
The Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion File is an evaluated library produced via an international collaboration of Data Bank member countries co-ordinated under the auspices of the NEA Data Bank. JEFF-3.1 combines the efforts of the JEFF and EFF/EAF working groups who have contributed to this combined fission and fusion file. The general purpose library contains neutron reaction data, incident proton data and thermal neutron scattering law data.
The Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion File (JEFF-3.0) includes a general purpose library released in April 2002. It is in ENDF-6 format and contains data for 340 materials from 1-H-1 to 99-Es-255 as well as thermal scattering law data for 5 materials.
The Joint Evaluated File (JEF-2.2) is an evaluated library produced via an international collaboration of Data Bank member countires co-ordinated under the auspices of the NEA Data Bank. The JEF-2.2 library comprises several sublibraries; incident neutron data (general purpose library), radioactive decay data, fission yields data and thermal scattering law data.
The general purpose library was released in 1992. It is in ENDF-6 format and contains data for 313 materials from 1-H-1 to 99-Es-253.
Japanese Evaluated Neutron Data Library, released in 2002. The library is in ENDF-6 format and contains data for 337 materials from 1-H-1 to 100-Fm-255.
Japanese Evaluated Neutron Data Library, released in 1989 and modified in 1990 and 1994. The library is in ENDF-6 format and contains data for 340 materials from 1-H-1 to 100-Fm-255.
The data library, which constitutes part A of the Reference Nuclear Parameter Library (RNPL), consists of calculated, and in most cases also measured, ground-state masses of 4685 nuclei ranging from 16O to 318122 .
UK fission product decay data file by Crouch, version 3 - 1979
UK fission product yield file, version 1 (adjusted) - 1986
UK fission product yield file, version 1 (unadjusted) - 1986
Version 2 of the UK fission product yield file (1993). Fission product yeilds data for 21 fissile nuclides giving 39 sets of evaluated independent and cumulative yields for a total of 672 fission product nuclei. The library is in ENDF-6 format, and was adopted as the JEF-2.2 fission product yields sub-library.
The UKFY-3.-0 library was produced as part of the UK fission product yield evaluation programme. It contains independent and cumulative yields sets for 39 fissioning systems. A second file containing chain yields is also available. The library is in ENDF-6 format.
The UKFY4.0 library includes energy dependent fission product yield data resulting from fission induced by neutron, proton, deuteron and alpha particle induced yields for 21 fissioning systems (232Th, 233U, 234U, 235U, 236U, 238U, 237Np, 238Np, 238Pu, 239Pu, 240Pu, 241Pu, 242Pu, 241Am, 242mAm, 243Am, 242Cm,243Cm, 244Cm, 245Cm and 252Cf). The range of particle energies considered is from 10-5 eV to 150 MeV. The required data were produced using the CYFP code from the Los Alamos National Laboratory in the U.S.A.
UK fission product decay data file, version 2 (1980), in ENDF-5 format.
UK Heavy Element Decay Data file, version1 (1982). Contains evaluations for 125 heavy element nuclide of interest in nuclear fuel cycle calculations. The library is in ENDF-5 format.
This is a re-issue of the decay data in UKHEDD-1, following re-evaluation of the major decay parameters within the file. The library is in ENDF-6 format.
UK Heavy Element Decay Data file, version 2.1 (1995). Contains evaluations for 125 heavy element nuclide of interest in nuclear fuel cycle calculations. This is a re-issue of the decay data in UKHEDD-2, following minor corrections to some of the spontaneous fission data and includes newly recommended data for Pa-234g and Pa-234m. The library is in ENDF-6 format.
UK activation product decay data library (UKPADD) version 1 (1977), in ENDF-5 format.
The UK activation product decay data library (UKPADD) version 2 (1992) contains evaluations for 236 nuclides in ENDF-6 format.
The UK activation product decay data library (UKPADD) contains radioactive decay data for 328 activation products (including some fission products). The library is in ENDF-6 format.
The UK Activation Product Decay Data library (UKPADD) contains radioactive decay data for 573 activation products (including some fission products). The library is in ENDF-6 format.
The UK Activation Product Decay Data library (UKPADD) contains radioactive decay data for 589 activation products (including some fission products). The library is in ENDF-6 format.
The UK Activation Product Decay Data library (UKPADD) contains radioactive decay data for 593 activation products (including some fission products). The library is in ENDF-6 format.
The 1981 edition of the UK Nuclear Data Library, contains neutron cross section data for 82 reactor materials, as well as capture, elastic, inelastic and transport cross sections in the energy range 1.0263 meV to 15 MeV for 192 fission products, and 63 files of neutron cross section data, mainly for activation detectors. The library is in UKNDL format.