The Third International Workshop on the Indemnification of Damage in the Event of a Nuclear Accident aims to explore the practical application of international nuclear liability instruments and the potential consequences with regard to non-convention states in the case of a nuclear incident.
The workshop is co-organised by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic.
Two previous International Workshops on the Indemnification of Damage in the Event of a Nuclear Accident were held in Paris in November 2001 and in Bratislava in 2005 respectively. Following those successful experiences, the NEA Nuclear Law Committee in its November 2016 meeting suggested that another exercise be organised to assess the implementation of currently applicable international nuclear liability conventions in conjunction, among others, with non-convention states regimes, assuming all modernised international instruments have come into force.
The workshop will assess the implementation of the following instruments:
The workshop moderators will be Mr Martin Pospíšil, Director of the Division of Legislation and Legal Affairs at the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic and Mr Christian Raetzke, independent lawyer and consultant at CONLAR.
The programme of the Bratislava Workshop can be consulted here.
Besides the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic, the workshop also benefits from the support of JAVYS, a.s. – the Slovak nuclear waste and decommissioning company (; Slovenské elektrárne – the largest power generating company and the biggest investor in the Slovak Republic (; the Slovak Nuclear Insurance Pool (; and Nuclear Pools (
All presentations, discussions and materials will be in English. Simultaneous interpretation will not be available during the workshop.
The workshop will take place at the conference facility of the Holiday Inn Hotel located in Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
Holiday Inn Bratislava
Bajkalská 25/A, 825 03 Bratislava
The Holiday Inn Bratislava will set aside a certain number of rooms for reservation by workshop participants at preferable conditions. More information is available on the restricted website for registered participants.
Registration is now closed. More than 140 participants registered for this event. For any questions regarding registration, please e-mail
If you have already registered for the workshop, please visit the restricted web page and get more detailed practical information on the event.
OECD Division of Nuclear Law. Postal address: 2, rue Andre Pascal, 75016, Paris, France.