Report on the Survey of the Regulatory Practice to Assess Passive Safety Systems Used in New Nuclear Power Plant Designs First Stage Report

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- Adobe Acrobat PDF Document on 1/15/20 at 5:30 PM

At the 15th Meeting of the Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) Working Group on the Regulation of New Reactors (WGRNR) agreed to initiate a survey on Regulatory Practice to Assess Passive Systems Used in New Nuclear Power Plant Designs. It was decided to split the survey into two stages.

The current report is devoted to the first stage of the survey and focuses on passive safety systems which are primarily intended to cope with anticipated operational occurrences and design-basis accidents. Passive systems used for mitigating severe accidents are not within the scope of this report. It is also agreed that the scope of a potential second stage of the survey will be considered by WGRNR later.