The March 2011 accident at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant triggered discussions about the natural external events that are low-frequency but high-consequence. In order to address these issues and determine which events would benefit from international co-operative work, the Task Group on Natural External Events (TGNEV) was established by the Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) at its June 2013 meeting. In June 2014, the CSNI decided to re-organise TGNEV into a Working Group on External Events (WGEV) to improve the understanding and treatment of external hazards that would support the continued safety performance of nuclear installations as well as improve the effectiveness of regulatory practices in NEA member countries. WGEV is composed of a forum of experts for the exchange of information and experience on external events in member countries, thereby promoting co-operation and maintenance of an effective and efficient network of experts.
The workshop, held in Paris, France on 24-26 February 2016, demonstrated that it is important for the nuclear and meteorological communities to work together to take advantage of methods, models, data and experiences in the understanding of severe weather phenomenon and impacts to local, national and regional infrastructure. Also, co-operation with subject matter experts is important as well as regional cooperation to share experience and data.