The previous report The Use of International Operating Experience Feedback for Improving Nuclear Safety, [NEA/CNRA/R(2008)3] addressed the proposal made at the December 2006 CNRA Meeting for the WGOE to review existing international Operating Experience Feedback (OEF) processes and networks, their connections with national OEF systems, and provide recommendations for more effective use of international OEF to improve nuclear safety.
In response to WGOE action items to revise the generic portion of R(2008)3, and to update the Appendix A with current inputs from member countries, a new Task Group was convened to revise the report.
The revision includes:
the update and clarification of the general information in the R(2008)3 report;
the update of Appendix A with new information on national OEF programmes submitted by member countries;
the standardisation of language in the document for consistency; and
the addition of notable OEF progress made to date and guiding principles to continually improve national OEF programmes among the member countries with respect to international best practices.
Sections 3 and 4 containing the 2006 Task Group conclusions and recommendations were left intact to preserve the historical record of the R(2008)3 report.