The SERENA Project Integration Report summarises the outcome of a broad range of activities conducted in the framework of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Steam Explosion Resolution for Nuclear Applications Project (OECD/SERENA), to address remaining issues on fuel-coolant interaction (FCI) mechanisms and their effect on ex-vessel steam explosion energetics. Briefly, the scope of the OECD/SERENA project was to resolve uncertainties in the remaining issues by performing a limited number of well-designed tests with advanced instrumentation reflecting a large spectrum of ex-vessel melt compositions and conditions, and the required analytical work to bring the code capabilities to an adequate level for use in reactor safety applications. This scope was accomplished with the completion of three major tasks:
an experimental programme consisting of two sets of steam explosion experiments in two different facilities;
an analytical programme consisting of pre-test calculations in support of test specifications and post-test calculations in support of data analysis and code assessment, and a code benchmark exercise;
a reactor calculation exercise repeating the one performed in the framework of the CSNI/WGAMA SERENA activity performed from 2001 to 2006 (also referred to as SERENA Phase I, published as CSNI/R(2007)/11 ).