Status Report on Filtered Containment Venting

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- Adobe Acrobat PDF Document on 1/15/20 at 5:21 PM

The main objectives of this status report on FCVSs in OECD countries, as defined by the Working Group on Analysis and Management of Accidents (WGAMA), were to: compile the status on the implementation of FCVS for light water [both boiling water (BWR) and pressurised water (PWR) types] and pressurised heavy water reactors (PHWR) including systems already installed and contemplated; describe the national requirements on the implementation of venting systems and the filtering strategies; describe the different filtered venting systems available as well as their performance; describe design specifications for FCVS; discuss possible disadvantages of containment venting; identify, from an accident management perspective, if there is room for improvements for both the hardware and the qualification of the systems; and summarise the status of containment venting strategies as currently implemented.