In 2006, the CNRA Working Group on Operating Experience (WGOE) began the task of examining national and international operating events databases in order to identify any potential safety issues related to NPP fires and fire protection systems. The purpose of this task was to provide the member countries with practical information that would be helpful in assessing and potentially improving their inspection and OEF programmes. This analysis and trending task was performed in conjunction with the Working Group on Inspection Practices (WGIP) task using inputs from OECD NEA Fire Project with the CNRA approval.
This report describes the outcomes from the task, including the background, the main conclusions, survey with analysis of results, and survey responses on the basis of national operating experience databases provided by regulatory organisations in the NEA countries.
NEA (2009), CNRA Summary Report on Operating Experience Feedback Related to Fire Events and Fire Protection Programmes(Safety Analysis of Fire Operating Events), OECD Publishing, Paris