State-of-the-Art Report on Systematic Approaches to Safety Management

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The Committee on Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) Special Experts’ Group on Human and Organisational Factors (SEGHOF) was requested by the Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Actions (CNRA) to examine the role and influence of safety management in nuclear plant operations in 2000. A workshop on “systematic approaches to safety management” was held in spring 2002, followed by a survey in 2003-2004 of relevant practices and developments across licensees and regulators.

This report provides a brief explanation of the relationship between safety management and safety culture. It reinforces the need for nuclear licensees and regulators to take positive steps to ensure that licensees develop and sustain a robust safety management system as a part of their management systems as a whole. The report draws out the main findings of the workshop and presents the results of the survey in more detail. It seeks to identify current issues and areas warranting further consideration.