In the field of coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics computation there is a need to enhance scientific knowledge in order to develop advanced modelling techniques for new nuclear technologies and concepts, as well as for current applications.
Recently developed “best-estimate” computer code systems for modelling 3-D coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics transients in nuclear cores and for coupling of the core phenomena and system dynamics (PWR, BWR, VVER) need to be compared against each other and validated against results from experiments. International benchmark studies have been set up for that purpose.
The present volume is the last in a series of four and summarises the results of the third benchmark exercise, which analyses a turbine trip (TT) in a BWR in its entirety, involving pressurisation events in which the coupling between core phenomena and system dynamics plays an important role. Exercise 3 also analyses four extreme scenarios which allowed participants to test the capabilities of their code(s) in terms of coupling and feedback modelling. The data made available from experiments carried out at the plant make the present benchmark particularly valuable. The data used are from events at the Peach Bottom 2 reactor (a GE-designed BWR/4).