In order to validate the calculations methods and nuclear data used for the prediction of power in MOX-fuelled systems, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) has examined a series of theoretical physics benchmarks and multiple recycling issues of various MOX-fuelled systems. This had led to many improvements and clarifications in nuclear data libraries and calculation methods. The final validation requires linking those findings to data from experiments. Hence, the first experiment-based benchmarks using the VENUS-2 MOX core measurement data were undertaken in 1999. The two-dimensional benchmark was completed in 2000. A full three-dimensional benchmark using 3-D VENUS-2 MOX core experimental data was launched in 2001 for a more thorough investigation of the calculation methods.
This report provides details of the comparative analysis of the 3-D calculation results against experimental data. Results obtained with the latest nuclear data libraries and various modern 3-D calculation methods are analysed. The report will be of particular interest to reactor physicists and nuclear engineers as well as to nuclear data evaluators.
Classification ID: NEA/NSC/DOC(2003)5