Photo of CEA VITI facility
The COrium Properties for reactor Simulation and uncertainties (COPS) project began in April 2024 its five-year programme to investigate the thermo-physical properties of corium melts (such as density, surface tension and viscosity) that affect the modeling and analysis of corium melt stabilisation strategies in a reactor during a severe accident.
The project is operated by the French Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, or CEA) and involves 15 organisations (9 signatories and 6 third parties) from 7 countries.
As part of the project, small-scale experiments are planned to provide data for 40 corium melts compositions with depleted UO2 that are representative of in-vessel and ex-vessel compositions for different reactor designs, both existing and advanced. Two larger integral tests will also be conducted to investigate phenomena related to in- or ex-vessel corium melt stabilisation strategies and investigate the effect of thermo-physical properties.
In addition to experimental activities, analytical activities will be conducted to assess how thermo-physical properties affect severe accident modeling and to perform a simulation exercise at reactor scale.
In 2024, tests matrices have been discussed, preparatory activities for the testing and analytical activities were conducted. Testing on the first 5 corium melts compositions have started.
Canada, Czechia, France, Hungary, Japan, Sweden and the United States.
April 2024 - April 2029
EUR 3.753 million