COPS The COrium Properties for reactor Simulation and uncertainties (COPS)
Joint project

Photo of CEA VITI facility

The COrium Properties for reactor Simulation and uncertainties (COPS) project began in April 2024 its five-year programme to investigate the thermo-physical properties of corium melts (such as density, surface tension and viscosity) that affect the modeling and analysis of corium melt stabilisation strategies in a reactor during a severe accident.

The project is operated by the French Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, or CEA) and involves 15 organisations (9 signatories and 6 third parties) from 7 countries.

As part of the project, small-scale experiments are planned to provide data for 40 corium melts compositions with depleted UO2 that are representative of in-vessel and ex-vessel compositions for different reactor designs, both existing and advanced. Two larger integral tests will also be conducted to investigate phenomena related to in- or ex-vessel corium melt stabilisation strategies and investigate the effect of thermo-physical properties.

In addition to experimental activities, analytical activities will be conducted to assess how thermo-physical properties affect severe accident modeling and to perform a simulation exercise at reactor scale.

In 2024, tests matrices have been discussed, preparatory activities for the testing and analytical activities were conducted. Testing on the first 5 corium melts compositions have started.


Canada, Czechia, France, Hungary, Japan, Sweden and the United States.

Project period

April 2024 - April 2029


EUR 3.753 million