Published date:
6 January 2025
Published every year, the NEA Annual Report includes an overview of NEA's activities and publications produced during the year, as well as the latest developments in nuclear energy sector around the ...
Published date:
20 November 2024
Publié chaque année, le Rapport annuel de l’AEN présente un aperçu des activités et publications de l’AEN pour une année donnée, ainsi que les derniers développements du secteur de l’énergie nucléair...
Published date:
20 November 2024
Publié chaque année, le Rapport annuel de l’AEN présente un aperçu des activités et publications de l’AEN pour une année donnée, ainsi que les derniers développements du secteur de l’énergie nucléair...
Published date:
8 December 2023
Published every year, the NEA Annual report includes an overview of NEA's activities and publications produced during the year, as well as the latest developments in nuclear energy sector around the ...
Published date:
8 December 2023
There is a consensus in the international community that geological repositories provide the necessary long-term safety and security to isolate long-lived radioactive waste. However, despite the tech...
Published date:
4 September 2023
In May 2022, the Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (FSC) and the Integration Group for the Safety Case (IGSC) held a Joint Workshop with stakeholders from Germany, Sweden and Switzerland to assess the ...
Published date:
21 August 2023
NEA News is the professional journal of the NEA. It features articles on the latest nuclear energy issues concerning the economic and technical aspects of nuclear energy, nuclear safety and regulatio...
Published date:
13 April 2023
NEA News is the professional journal of the NEA. It features articles on the latest nuclear energy issues concerning the economic and technical aspects of nuclear energy, nuclear safety and regulatio...
Published date:
31 August 2022
The NEA organised a Workshop on Competency Management of regulators for the broad discussion of the challenges regarding the competency of regulators in the areas of radioactive waste management, dec...
Published date:
5 August 2022
Published date:
14 April 2022
The NEA Clay Club has been gathering the key geoscientific characteristics of the various argillaceous formations that are – or have been – studied in NEA member countries in the context of radioacti...
Published date:
9 March 2022
The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Strategic Plan serves as a guiding instrument that reflects the priorities of its member countries as the Agency addresses evolving needs in the exploration and a...
Published date:
25 January 2022
The diversity in classification schemes across countries has restricted the possibility of comparing waste inventories and led to difficulties in interpreting waste management practices, both nationa...
Published date:
26 November 2020
A joint NEA-EC workshop entitled “Engineered Barrier Systems: Design Requirements and Constraints” was organised in Turku, Finland on 26-29 August 2003 and hosted by Posiva Oy. The main objectives of...
Published date:
11 November 2020
Low-level and very low-level waste represent the vast majority of radioactive waste by volume from decommissioning activity at nuclear facilities around the world, but they are only a small fraction...
Published date:
4 November 2020
Worldwide consensus exists within the international community that geological repositories can provide the necessary long-term safety and security to isolate long-lived radioactive waste from the hum...
Published date:
25 September 2020
This report examines the predisposal phase of radioactive waste management programmes in NEA member countries for all types of waste from high-level to intermediate- and low-level waste, and spent fu...
Published date:
8 September 2020
This report presents a consensus position in the form of a Collective Opinion of the Radioactive Waste Management Committee (RWMC) of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. It addresses the strategy for the...
Published date:
30 July 2020
This NEA Policy Brief provides a concise outline of the current outlook for final disposal of radioactive waste in NEA member countries. It describes the challenges, context, stakeholders and potenti...
Published date:
30 July 2020
The NEA Annual Report 2019 provides an overview of the status of nuclear power in NEA member countries and illustrative descriptions of the Agency's activities and international joint projects. 2019 ...
Published date:
12 June 2020
Radioactive waste repositories are designed to isolate waste from the living environment without human intervention over extended periods of time. Nevertheless, the intention is not to abandon the re...
Published date:
13 December 2019
Radioactive waste repositories are designed to be intrinsically safe in that they are not dependent on the presence or intervention of humans. In response to this challenge, the Nuclear Energy Agency...
Published date:
24 September 2019
Radioactive waste repositories are designed to be intrinsically safe in that they are not dependent on the presence or intervention of humans. In response to this challenge, the Nuclear Energy Agency...
Published date:
27 May 2019
National programmes for radioactive waste management require very large amounts of data and information across multiple and disparate disciplines. These programmes tend to run over a period of many d...
Published date:
10 December 2018
The brochure provides background information about the NEA.
Published date:
10 September 2018
For the past several decades, the Nuclear Energy Agency Salt Club has been supporting and overseeing the characterisation of rock salt as a potential host rock for deep geological repositories. This ...
Published date:
22 May 2018
The cost estimation process of decommissioning nuclear facilities has continued to evolve in recent years, with a general trend towards demonstrating greater levels of detail in the estimate and more...
Published date:
28 September 2017
Radioactive waste inventory data are an important element in the development of a national radioactive waste management programme since these data affect the design and selection of the ultimate disp...
Published date:
28 August 2017
All national radioactive waste management authorities recognise today that a robust safety case is essential in developing disposal facilities for radioactive waste. To improve the robustness of the ...
Published date:
17 August 2017
Large quantities of materials arising from the decommissioning of nuclear facilities are non-radioactive per se. An additional significant share of materials is of very low-level or low-level radioac...
Published date:
16 August 2017
Worldwide consensus exists within the international community that geological repositories can provide the necessary long-term safety and security to isolate long-lived radioactive waste from the hum...
Published date:
4 April 2017
Communication has a specific role to play in the development of deep geological repositories. Building trust with the stakeholders involved in this process, particularly within the local community, i...
Published date:
20 February 2017
Radiological characterisation is a key enabling activity for the planning and implementation of nuclear facility decommissioning. Effective characterisation allows the extent, location and nature of ...
Published date:
11 February 2017
This Strategic Plan is intended to guide the NEA as it seeks to meet the evolving needs of member countries in the application and exploration of nuclear science and technology. The plan includes an ...
Published date:
22 December 2016
The NEA Expert Group on Fukushima Waste Management and Decommissioning R&D (EGFWMD) was established in 2014 to offer advice to the authorities in Japan on the management of large quantities of on-sit...
Published date:
2 December 2016
Radioactive waste inventory data are an important element in the development of a national radioactive waste management programme since these data affect the design and selection of the ultimate disp...
Published date:
28 July 2016
Nuclear sites around the world are being decommissioned and remedial actions are being undertaken to enable sites, or parts of sites, to be reused. Although such activities are relatively straightfor...
Published date:
23 May 2016
The Nuclear Energy Agency carried out an independent peer review of Japan’s siting process and criteria for the geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste in May 2016. The review concluded t...
Published date:
20 January 2016
Radioactive waste management is embedded in broader societal issues such as the environment, risk management, energy, health policy and sustainability. In all these fields, there is an increasing dem...
Published date:
1 January 2016
Published date:
1 December 2015
The Preservation of Records, Knowledge and Memory (RK&M) Across Generations initiative was launched by the Nuclear Energy Agency in 2011 to foster international reflection and progress towards this g...
Published date:
18 November 2015
In the field of long-term radioactive waste management, projects to construct repositories normally last from decades to centuries. Such projects will inevitably have an effect on the host community ...
Published date:
12 January 2015
Peer reviews are a standard co-operative OECD working tool that offer member countries a framework to compare experiences and examine best practices in a host of areas. The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency...
Published date:
8 December 2014
The feasibility and costs of spent nuclear fuel management and the consequent disposal of ultimate waste continue to be the subject of public debate in many countries, with particular concern often e...
Published date:
23 October 2013
Published date:
23 October 2013
The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (FSC) Annotated Glossary is a review of concepts central to societal decision making about radioactive waste management. It record...
Published date:
1 March 2013
Deep geological repositories of radioactive waste are designed and licensed based on a model of long-term safety which does not require the active presence of man. During the period of stepwise devel...
Published date:
31 December 2013
In the area of radioactive waste management, the regulator or safety authority has emerged in recent years as a principal actor in the eyes of civil society. This study shows how regulators are incre...
Published date:
31 December 2013
Dans le domaine de la gestion des déchets radioactifs, les dernières années ont vu émerger l’autorité de sûreté comme un acteur central aux yeux de la société civile. Cette étude montre comment les a...
Published date:
31 December 2013