Published date:
1 January 1992
The quality of the isotopic composition of plutonium fuel degrades as the number of recycles increases in thermal reactors. There are in addition incentives to better utilise fuel by increasing the b...
Published date:
19 July 1995
This benchmark is based on a well-defined problem concerning a pressurised water reactor (PWR) main steam line break, which may occur as a consequence of the rupture of one steam line upstream of the...
Published date:
22 November 2002
The benchmark is based on a well-defined problem concerning a PWR main steam line break, which may occur as a consequence of the rupture of one steam line upstream of the main steam isolation valves....
Published date:
22 December 2000
This benchmark is based on a well-defined problem concerning a pressurised water reactor (PWR) main steam line break, which may occur as a consequence of the rupture of one steam line upstream of the...
Published date:
19 November 2003
This publication provides an introduction to minor actinide nuclear properties and discusses some of the arguments in favour of minor actinide recycling, as well as the potential role of thermal reac...
Published date:
18 November 2013
Published date:
1 January 1977
Published date:
1 January 1974
In the field of coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics computation there is a need to enhance scientific knowledge in order to develop advanced modelling techniques for new nuclear technologies and co...
Published date:
31 December 2003
In the field of coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics computation there is a need to enhance scientific knowledge in order to develop advanced modelling techniques for new nuclear technologies and co...
Published date:
30 June 2006
In response to increasing interest in high-temperature, gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs) and the need for improved knowledge of materials for nuclear applications that resist high temperatures, the NEA or...
Published date:
1 January 2000
In response to increasing interest in high-temperature, gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs) in many countries and the need for improved materials for nuclear applications in high-temperature environments, th...
Published date:
29 May 2002
In response to growing interest in high-temperature, gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs) in many countries and the need for improved materials for nuclear applications in high-temperature environments, the N...
Published date:
1 June 2004
In the field of coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics computation there is a need to enhance scientific knowledge in order to develop advanced modelling techniques for new nuclear technologies and co...
Published date:
21 December 2006
Studies on fast reactors have historically concentrated on their capability to use plutonium produced in thermal reactors as initial fuel, and subsequently their capacity to produce electricity while...
Published date:
1 November 1996
Studies on fast reactors have historically concentrated on their capability of using plutonium produced in thermal reactors as initial fuel, and subsequently their capacity to produce electricity whi...
Published date:
1 November 1995
The quality of the isotopic composition of plutonium fuel degrades as the number of recycles increases in thermal reactors, requiring an increase in the total loading necessary in mixed plutonium-ura...
Published date:
17 November 2020
The NEA has studied multiple recycling issues associated with various reactor systems fuelled with mixed-oxide (MOX) and published a series of computational physics benchmarks. This has led to improv...
Published date:
21 June 2007
The NEA has studied multiple recycling issues associated with various reactor systems fuelled with mixed-oxide (MOX) and published a series of computational physics benchmarks. This has led to improv...
Published date:
21 June 2007
The commercial recycling of plutonium as PUO2/UO2 mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel is an established practice in pressurised water reactors (PWRs) in several countries, the main motivation being the consumptio...
Published date:
10 March 2003
Although the recycling of plutonium as thermal mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel in pressurised water reactors (PWRs) is now well-established on a commercial scale, many physics questions remain. The main quest...
Published date:
23 October 2002
The decision to re-use plutonium generated in thermal reactors is a strategic one for a utility, and is closely tied to the spent fuel management strategy. One option is to reprocess the spent fuel i...
Published date:
3 November 2003
Meeting Nuclear Data Needs for Advanced Reactor Systems
Published date:
13 March 2014
This volume is the 13b in the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Chemical Thermodynamics series. It is the second part of a critical review of the thermodynamic properties of iron, its solid compounds ...
Published date:
3 March 2020
Co-ordinated Evaluation of Plutonium-239 in the Resonance Region
Published date:
12 March 2020
Thermal Scattering Law S(α,β): Measurement, Evaluation and Application
Published date:
13 March 2020
Structural materials research is a field of growing relevance in the nuclear sector, especially for the different innovative reactor systems being developed within the Generation IV International For...
Published date:
10 July 2008
Materials research is a field of growing relevance for innovative nuclear systems, such as Generation IV reactors, critical and sub-critical transmutation systems and fusion devices. For these differ...
Published date:
31 December 2013
Published date:
1 June 2012
Published date:
28 June 2011
Published date:
20 February 2009
Published date:
25 May 2009
Published date:
9 May 2007
Published date:
29 October 2007
Published date:
3 April 2008
Published date:
26 June 2006
Published date:
18 December 2006
Published date:
27 October 2006
Published date:
20 July 2005
Published date:
26 October 2005
Published date:
19 July 2004
Published date:
20 October 2003
Published date:
11 August 2004
Published date:
22 May 2003
Published date:
11 January 2002
Published date:
9 May 2001
Published date:
30 August 2002
Published date:
4 February 2002
Published date:
25 October 2001
Published date:
14 February 2001