This Joint workshop on initiatives of low-dose research co-ordination was co-organised by EPRI and its IDEA network, and by the NEA High-Level Group on Low-Dose Research (HLG-LDR). It continued colla...
Increasing the contribution of nuclear energy to global production of electricity provides a practical pathway toward reaching ambitious net zero carbon emission targets. The value of nuclear energy ...
The Sixteenth Workshop on Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities (SATIF-16) will take place on 28-31 May 2024 at the National Laboratories of Frascati of the Italian Na...
The opening session of the Seventh International Conference on Geological Repositories (ICGR-7) in Busan, Korea. Photo: Krystal Kenney
There is consensus within the international scientific communi...
Dates: 27-31 May 2024Time: 17:00-21:00 (CEST, Paris time)/10:00-14:00 (CDT USA/Mexico)/12:00-16:00 (UTC-3, Argentina)Minimum enrollment: 12 participantsMaximum enrollment: 15 participantsRegistration...
Long-term decommissioning programmes of nuclear facilities (NPPs, fuel cycle plants, research facilities, etc.) are major stakes for the nuclear industry, and innovation initiatives are needed.
This ...
The NEA Expert Group on the Physics of Reactor Systems (EGPRS) organised a one-day workshop to foster exchanges among radiation transport simulation developers. The workshop aimed to facilitate excha...
The annual Benchmark Workshops of the Working Party on Scientific Issues and Uncertainty Analysis of Reactor Systems (WPRS) was co-located with the BEPU 2024 conference and hosted by N.IN.E. (Nuclear...