Due to circumstances imposed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this year's event will take place online.
The 6th edition of the annual NEA TDB course on the topic of thermodynamic data collection a...
The Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion File (JEFF) Nuclear Data Library Project is a collaboration between NEA Data Bank participating countries. The JEFF library combines the efforts of its differ...
OpenMC is a community-developed Monte Carlo neutron and photon transport simulation code. It is capable of performing fixed source, k-eigenvalue and subcritical multiplication calculations on models ...
Hydrogen is expected to play an essential role as part of sustainable and resilient pathways to net zero. There is growing momentum among CEM countries for scaling-up the production of low-carbon hyd...
This training course provides instruction on the use of the KENO-VI Monte Carlo code for criticality safety calculations and the MAVRIC (Monaco with Automated Variance Reduction using Importance Calc...
In Meeting Climate Change Targets: The Role of Nuclear Energy, the NEA explores the role of nuclear technologies and their applications toward achieving the globally recognised goal of Net Zero. Gov...
PHITS (Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System) is a general purpose Monte Carlo particle transport simulation code developed under a collaboration between Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and ...
Reducing industrial carbon emissions is one of the most difficult challenges on the path to net zero by 2050, due to the magnitude of greenhouse gas emissions from the industrial sector and technolog...
This workshop is organised by the NEA Radioactive Waste Management Committee (RWMC) and hosted by the Nuclear and Radioactive Waste Agency (ANDR), Romania.
At the back end of the nuclear fuel cycle, ...