Image: Microscopic examination of U-bearing particles collected at Fukushima-Daiichi, JAEA
Date: 8-12 July 2024Place: Universitat de BarcelonaFacultat de FisicaDiagonal 64508028 Barcelona - SPAINMinimum enrolment: 6 participantsMaximum enrolment: 15 participantsCourse fee: 1500 EURRegistra...
This Joint workshop on initiatives of low-dose research co-ordination was co-organised by EPRI and its IDEA network, and by the NEA High-Level Group on Low-Dose Research (HLG-LDR). It continued colla...
Increasing the contribution of nuclear energy to global production of electricity provides a practical pathway toward reaching ambitious net zero carbon emission targets. The value of nuclear energy ...
The NEA Expert Group on the Physics of Reactor Systems (EGPRS) organised a one-day workshop to foster exchanges among radiation transport simulation developers. The workshop aimed to facilitate excha...
The NEA in collaboration with the Ontario Power Generation (OPG) will organise a multi-sector workshop on 18-20 September 2024 on Local Intense Precipitation and its Impacts on Nuclear Installations....
The 12th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC) was held in Sendai, Japan, on 1-6 October 2023. Twenty years after the last conference in Japan, which was held in Tokai-mura as...
Country-specific Safety Culture Forum (CSSCF) Japan was initiated in late 2022, with the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO), the Federation of Electric Power C...
SATIF-15 Workshop participants. Photo: courtesy of the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB)
The eighth edition of the annual NEA Thermochemical Database (TDB) Project course on the topic of thermodynamic data collection and assessment will take place as a online event on 10 October 2024.