National legislation: Romania
Nuclear legislation: Iceland
Nuclear legislation: Ireland
Nuclear legislation: Luxembourg
Nuclear legislation: Austria
Acts as a bridge between the Paris and Vienna Conventions, effectively extending the benefits provided by one convention to victims in countries that have joined the other convention.
Full text of the Convention of 31st January 1963 Supplementary to the Paris Convention of 29th July 1960, as amended by the additional Protocol of 28th January 1964 and by the Protocol of 16th Novemb...
The 2004 Protocol to the BSC improves the existing regime by requiring that significantly more compensation be made available to supplement that which is to be provided for under the Paris Conventi...
Texte de la Convention du 31 janvier 1963 complémentaire à la Convention de Paris du 29 juillet 1960, amendée par le Protocole additionnel du 28 janvier 1964 et par le Protocole du 16 novembre 1982.
The 2004 Protocol to the PC improves the existing regime by requiring that more money be made available to compensate more victims for a broader range of damages.