Photo credit: Joel A. Kulesza, Roger Lee Martz, LANL LA-UR-17-23854
----------------------------------The course is full -----------------------------------
Dates: 7-11 April 2025Time: 17:00-21:00 (CEST, Paris time)/10:00-14:00 (CDT USA/Mexico)/12:00-16:00 (UTC-3, Argentina)Minimum enrollment: 12 participantsMaximum enrollment: 15 participantsRegistratio...
Scheme showing the technical scope of NEA ICDE project activities, NEA
Common-cause failure (CCF) events can significantly affect the availability of safety systems of nuclear power plants. In recog...
Dates: 19-22 November 2024Minimum enrollment: 12 participantsMaximum enrollment: 20 participantsRegistration fee: 750 EURRegistration deadline: 27 September 2024Contact: wit...
The eighth edition of the annual NEA Thermochemical Database (TDB) Project course on the topic of thermodynamic data collection and assessment will take place as a online event on 10 October 2024.
SFCOMPO 2.0 (Spent Fuel Isotopic Composition) is a relational database designed to facilitate the search and visualisation of experimental assay data of spent nuclear fuel.
Date: 8-12 July 2024Place: Universitat de BarcelonaFacultat de FisicaDiagonal 64508028 Barcelona - SPAINMinimum enrolment: 6 participantsMaximum enrolment: 15 participantsCourse fee: 1500 EURRegistra...
Dates: 27-31 May 2024Time: 17:00-21:00 (CEST, Paris time)/10:00-14:00 (CDT USA/Mexico)/12:00-16:00 (UTC-3, Argentina)Minimum enrollment: 12 participantsMaximum enrollment: 15 participantsRegistration...
The Shielding Integral Benchmark Archive and Database (SINBAD) database contains compilations for 46 reactor shielding, 31 fusion neutronics and 23 accelerator shielding experiments.
Feeders on the Reactor Face in the Feeder Cabinet Photo: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)
The Component Operational Experience, Degradation and Ageing Programme (CODAP) combines the follow-u...
The NEA organised the second International School on Simulation of Nuclear Reactor Systems (SINUS) on the topic of Reactor single- and multi-physics simulations based on Light Water Reactor (LWR) Unc...
This two-day online event will be...
The Fire Incidents Records Exchange (FIRE) Project started in 2002 and phase 7 of the project began in 2023 for a duration of three years, with 14 countries currently participating. The main purpose ...
Date: 14-17 November 2023
JANIS (Java-based nuclear information software) is an application designed to facilitate the visualisation and manipulation of nuclear data. JANIS will be helpful to engineers and physicists who use ...
The International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project (ICSBEP) released the first version of the Database for the International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experime...
The IRPhEP Database and Analysis Tool (IDAT) was first released in 2013 and is included on the IRPhE Handbook DVD. This database and corresponding user interface allows easy access to handbook inform...
The Thermochemical Database (TDB) Project develops a reference database of chemical thermodynamic values for elements and compounds relevant to the safety of radioactive waste repositories and vital ...
The ISOE was launched in 1992 by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) to improve the management of occupational exposures at nuclear power plants through the collection and analysis of occupational e...