This joint report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) is the seventh in a series of studies on electricity generating costs. It presents the latest data...
Published date:
25 March 2010
This sixth study in a series on projected costs of generating electricity presents and analyses cost estimates for some 130 power and co-generation (heat and power) plants using coal, gas, nuclear a...
Published date:
18 March 2005
Ce rapport conjoint de l’Agence internationale de l’énergie (AIE) et de l’Agence de l'OCDE pour l’énergie nucléaire (AEN) est la septième d’une série d’études consacrées aux coûts de production d’éle...
Published date:
25 June 2010
This joint report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) is the eighth in a series of studies on electricity generating costs. As policy makers work to ensure th...
Published date:
31 August 2015
Published date:
3 June 2010
Published date:
1 January 1998
Published date:
1 January 1998
Published date:
1 January 1993
Published date:
1 January 1993
Les événements qui caractérisent le marché mondial de l'uranium depuis quelques années illustrent l'incertitude qui semble persister et à laquelle les producteurs et les consommateurs d'uranium à tra...
Published date:
1 January 1998
The events characterizing the world uranium market in the last several years illustrate the persistent uncertainty faced by uranium producers and consumers worldwide. With world nuclear capacity expa...
Published date:
1 January 1998
The reliable supply of molybdenum-99 (Mo-99) and its decay product, technetium-99m (Tc-99m), is a vital component of modern medical diagnostic practices. Disruptions in the supply chain of these radi...
Published date:
16 September 2010
The nuclear energy sector employs a considerable workforce around the world, and with nuclear power projected to grow in countries with increasing electricity demand, corresponding jobs in the nuclea...
Published date:
25 October 2018
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident has had an impact on the development of nuclear power around the world. While the accident was followed by thorough technical assessments of the saf...
Published date:
6 April 2017
INTRAVAL was set up as an international project concerned with the use of mathematical models for predicting the potential transport of radioactive substances in the geosphere. Such models are used t...
Published date:
1 January 1996
INTRAVAL was set up as an international project concerned with the use of mathematical models for predicting the potential transport of radioactive substances in the geosphere. Such models are used t...
Published date:
1 January 1996
The Probabilistic System Assessment Group (PSAG) was established by the RWMC in January 1985 (originally under a different name) to help co-ordinate the development in OECD member countries of probab...
Published date:
1 January 1997
The international study INTRAVAL addressed the validation of models of the transport of radioactive substances through groundwater in the geosphere. The project started in 1987 on the initiative of t...
Published date:
1 January 1997
INTRAVAL was set up as an international project concerned with the use of mathematical models for predicting the potential transport of radioactive substances in the geosphere. Such models are used t...
Published date:
1 January 1997
The development of radiation protection and of nuclear safety concepts have been somewhat separate. Traditionally, radiation protection has mainly focused on the protection of workers and members of ...
Published date:
1 January 1995
Published date:
10 January 2010
Since the discovery of radiation at the end of the 19th century, the health effects of exposure to radiation have been studied more than almost any other factor with potential effects on human health...
Published date:
3 March 2016
Decisions regarding radiological protection are informed by science, including its uncertainties, influenced by stakeholder concerns, driven by prevailing circumstances, and broadly based on values a...
Published date:
17 February 2011
Global demand for electricity continues to grow and numerous new nuclear power plants (NPPs) are being planned or constructed in NEA member countries. Most of these new NPPs will be of the third gene...
Published date:
5 October 2010
Since 2002, the NEA has been actively facilitating the detailed discussion of the evolving system of radiological protection in an Asian context. Its work in this area has included four previous conf...
Published date:
24 September 2010
The collective experience of the NEA Working Party on Nuclear Emergency Matters (WPNEM), and in particular, the experience from the International Nuclear Emergency Exercise (INEX) series, has shown t...
Published date:
5 October 2010
Since its inception the NEA Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health (CRPPH) has been involved in the assessment and implementation of the recommendations of the International Commission o...
Published date:
13 March 2008
Emergency situations demand that actions be taken by the responsible organisations at the local, national and international levels to mitigate their impact on people and the environment. In order to ...
Published date:
31 December 2008
Les pouvoirs publics et les autorités réglementaires sont chargés de définir les contrôles ou conditions réglementaires à imposer, le cas échéant, aux sources et situations d'exposition aux rayonneme...
Published date:
14 February 2006
Governments and regulatory authorities are responsible for the definition of regulatory controls or conditions, if any, that should be applied to radioactive sources or radiation exposure situations ...
Published date:
14 February 2006
Operational approaches to the optimisation of radiological protection continue to evolve at nuclear power plants. The continual improvement of protection has been greatly facilitated by the exchange ...
Published date:
23 March 2005
A la fin des années 1990, la Commission internationale de protection radiologique (CIPR) s'est engagée dans l'élaboration de nouvelles recommandations, destinées à servir de lignes directrices pour l...
Published date:
26 March 2004
Within the radiological protection community, stakeholder issues have moved steadily to the forefront of policy discussions, and clearly form a key element in decisions regarding the development and ...
Published date:
28 May 2004
This summary seeks to answer the questions that radiological protection professionals ask when confronted with the need to consider stakeholder participation processes. As will become clear, there is...
Published date:
30 July 2004
At the end of the 1990s, the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) launched a process for establishing new recommendations, which are expected to serve as guidelines for national...
Published date:
1 March 2004
The evolution of the system of radiological protection is of great interest to governments and regulatory authorities, in particular in Asia. In this context, the Japanese government hosted a series ...
Published date:
12 August 2009
En général, les rejets d'effluents radioactifs des installations nucléaires ont fortement diminué ces dernières années, pour atteindre aujourd'hui des niveaux bien inférieurs aux exigences réglementa...
Published date:
29 October 2003
Approaches to radiological protection have been evolving, particularly over the past several years. This has been driven by the emergence of modern concepts of and approaches to risk governance, and ...
Published date:
26 May 2003
The Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health (CRPPH) of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) has, since its inception, worked to develop and improve international norms in the area of radi...
Published date:
10 June 2003
Radioactive effluent releases from nuclear installations have generally been substantially reduced in recent years, well below regulatory requirements. At the same time, international and intergovern...
Published date:
29 October 2003
Les plans d'urgence, les exercices et la gestion de crise sont des composantes vitales de tout programme électronucléaire. En situation d'urgence nucléaire, avec libération de substances radioactives...
Published date:
15 September 2003
Nuclear emergency planning, preparedness and management are essential elements of any country's nuclear power programme. The timely and appropriate implementation of short-term countermeasures can, i...
Published date:
15 September 2003
The Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) was created in 1992 to provide a forum for radiation protection experts from both utilities and national regulatory authorities to discuss, prom...
Published date:
1 March 2002
Pratiquement toutes les réglementations et tous les standards de protection radiologique nationaux et internationaux sont fondés sur les recommandations publiées par la Commission internationale de p...
Published date:
20 December 2002
The society aspects of risk governance are increasingly becoming a part of public decision-making processes. This tendency is particularly evident in matters dealing with the protection of human heal...
Published date:
20 November 2001
De l'état de préparation d'un pays depend l'issue d'une urgence nucléaire. Pour mieux préparer ses pays Membres à la gestion de crise, l'Agence de l'OCDE pour l'énergie nucléaire (AEN) a organisé une...
Published date:
27 April 2001
In case of a nuclear emergency, countries need to be well prepared to manage a crisis situation. In order to help countries improve their emergency planning, preparedness and management, the OECD Nuc...
Published date:
27 April 2001
The ISOE Programme was created by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency in 1992 to promote and co-ordinate international co-operative undertakings in the area of worker protection at nuclear power plants. T...
Published date:
26 October 2001
The ISOE Programme was created by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency in 1992 to promote and co-ordinate international co-operative undertakings in the area of worker protection at nuclear power plants. T...
Published date:
1 January 2000
This report provides an overview of experimental facilities that can be used to carry out nuclear safety research for sodium fast reactors and identifies priorities for organising international co-op...
Published date:
15 April 2011