The Aarhus Convention obliges states and grants the public rights in three areas of the convention: access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environme...
The Vienna Convention establishes a nuclear liability and compensation regime similar to that provided for under the Paris Convention. The Vienna Convention is open to any state.
The 1997 Vienna Protocol improves the original regime by requiring that more money be made available to compensate more victims for a broad range of damages.
The CSC provides for a global liability and compensation scheme that may supplement that called for under the Paris Convention, the Vienna Convention or Annex state legislation as defined by the CS...
The Brussels Supplementary Convention establishes a scheme to provide compensation supplementary to that required by the Paris Convention. The BSC is open only to contracting parties to the Paris C...
The Paris Convention establishes a nuclear liability and compensation regime to compensate victims of a nuclear accident. The PC is open to OECD member countries as of right and non-member countrie...
The Brussels Supplementary Convention establishes a scheme to provide compensation supplementary to that required by the Paris Convention. The BSC is open only to contracting parties to the Paris Con...
The NEA gathered nuclear law experts for meetings in June 2023.
The CTBT bans all nuclear explosions anywhere on Earth whether for military or peaceful purposes.
Convention du 29 juillet 1960 sur la responsabilité civile dans le domaine de l’énergie nucléaire, modifiée par le Protocole additionnel du 28 janvier 1964, par le Protocole du 16 novembre 1982 et pa...