At its 61st meeting, the CSNI approved the recommended task on the benchmark on external events hazard frequency and magnitude statistical modelling, to be pursued by the WGEV. Modelling of these ext...
Experts attended NEA event in France.
In response to the technical and scientific needs emerged recently in this area, the Working Group of External Events (WGEV) and the Working Group on Risk Assessment (WGRISK) initiated a joint task e...
To meet the overall safety objectives and to achieve a balanced plant design, natural hazards have to be considered in the design of nuclear installations. Deriving the strength of such events from a...
After the Fukushima nuclear accident, many activities were initiated in the countries with nuclear energy to assess the robustness of nuclear power plants with respect to earthquakes, tsunamis and fl...
The main mission of the Working Group on External Events (WGEV) is to improve the understanding and treatment of external hazards that would support the continued safety performance of nuclear instal...
Seismic probabilistic safety assessment (SPSA) is a systematic method for examining and evaluating the risk from earthquake-initiated accidents. The significant advances in the area of SPSA since the...
NEA Working Group on External Events (WGEV) meeting, 1-5 March 2021.
NEA Working Group on External Events (WGEV) meeting, 14-18 September 2020.
Workshop Proceedings21-23 March 2018, Paris, France
The WGEV “Riverine Flooding – Hazard Assessment and Protection of NPPs” task was designed to share regulatory practices and technical approaches fo...