The topic was discussed at the workshop organised by the NEA Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (FSC).
In the Annotated Glossary of Key Terms of the Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (FSC), “transparency” is defined as an important way to achieve confidence and trust. This applies for a repository proje...
Over the past 20 years, the NEA Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (FSC) has worked extensively on the involvement of local stakeholders in decision-making processes concerning high-level radioactive wa...
The Nuclear Energy Agency carried out an independent peer review of Japan’s siting process and criteria for the geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste in May 2016. The review concluded t...
Summary record extracted from NEA/RWM/IGSC(2015)9/FINAL concerning the topical session on the role of geo-scientific arguments in the siting process.
Sysnthesis and international perspective of the 9th Community Visit and National Workshop of the OECD NEA Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (FSC) held in the Czech Republic on 24-26 October 2012.
This essay focuses on the concepts of “willing potential host” and “willing host” communities in the context of radioactive waste management facility siting. Should criteria for defining these be spe...
This report synthesizes principles for socially responsive siting of radioactive waste management facilities that have emerged from over a decade of learning by the Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (F...
The sixth workshop of the OECD/NEA Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (FSC) was hosted by ENRESA, the Spanish agency responsible for the management of radioactive waste and the dismantling of nuclear po...
Germany is exploring a new approach towards the final management of its radioactive waste. This international workshop, held in Germany, attracted 65 participants from 13 countries. A little more tha...