Ensuring the security of electricity supply and advancing towards net zero emissions will require large amounts of reliable low-carbon electricity generation capacity. As the only dispatchable low-ca...
The meeting of the joint NEA-IAEA group gathered experts in Vienna, Austria.
Events explored financing challenges and the potential of SMRs in the Arctic.
Scaling up investment flows in nuclear energy is one of the major challenges for OECD and NEA countries that have decided or are considering the construction of nuclear power plants. This report offe...
Realising the full contribution of nuclear energy to achieving net zero targets requires mastering the challenge of financing and constructing significant numbers of new reactors. This new NEA report...
The event ‘Financing Nuclear New Build Today' brought together leading experts in nuclear energy, electricity market design and infrastructure financing with national level decision makers in energy ...
Increasing the contribution of nuclear energy to global production of electricity provides a practical pathway toward reaching ambitious net zero carbon emission targets. The value of nuclear energy ...
NEA News is the professional journal of the NEA. It features articles on the latest nuclear energy issues concerning the economic and technical aspects of nuclear energy, nuclear safety and regulatio...
The transformative activity of mining has numerous economic, social and environmental impacts that can be both positive and adverse for communities, ecosystems and economies. As the uranium industry ...
Uranium is the primary source of fuel for nuclear power plants, which provides large-scale low-carbon baseload electricity for more than 30 countries around the world and is the world’s second larges...