The NEA Advanced Thermal-Hydraulic Test Loop for Accident Simulation (ATLAS) Project is one of the NEA supported joint projects under the auspices and with the support of the NEA. It started from Apr...
Published date:
11 April 2018
This report documents a study performed on a set of common-cause failure (CCF) events for diesel generators. The events were derived from the International CCF Data Exchange (ICDE) database and the s...
Published date:
24 August 2017
This report documents an experimental programme designed to investigate the High Energy Arcing Fault (HEAF) phenomena. The most recent international nuclear power plant (NPP) operating experience wi...
Published date:
23 May 2017
This is a summary report by the Hydrogen Mitigation Experiments for Reactor Safety (HYMERES) project on the PANDA and MISTRA experiments.
Phase 1 of the Project, between 2013 and 2016, focused on imp...
Published date:
23 November 2018
The Material Scaling (MASCA) Project investigated in-vessel phenomena during a severe accident. In particular, it addressed the influence of the chemical composition of the molten corium on the heat ...
Published date:
1 June 2007
The focus of the Material Scaling (MASCA) Project was to investigate in detail the chemical behaviour of corium in contact with structural materials, with emphasis mainly on steel. This report provid...
Published date:
1 November 2004
At its annual meeting in December 1999, the Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) issued a recommendation to set up an international collaborative project in the field of thermal-hy...
Published date:
1 December 2004
The SERENA Project Integration Report summarises the outcome of a broad range of activities conducted in the framework of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Steam Explosion Resolution for Nuclear A...
Published date:
1 February 2015
In 2012, following a proposal from Japan, the Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) decided to initiate a joint project to conduct a study of the accident progression for the Fukush...
Published date:
1 March 2015
In the light of the TEPCO Fukushima accident, this report documents a study performed on a set of common-cause failure (CCF) events due to external factors, meaning that not only storms and hurricane...
Published date:
20 October 2015
This report documents a study performed on a set of ICDE events related to heat exchangers. The events studied here had been collected in the ICDE database. Organisations from Canada, Germany, Japan,...
Published date:
1 April 2013
In this document, the general coding guidelines for the OECD NEA ICDE Project (International Common Cause Failure Data Exchange) are presented with explanations and appendices for each analysed compo...
Published date:
21 February 2012
Nearly 100 experts from the NEA Analysis of Information from Reactor Buildings and Containment Vessels of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (ARC-F) Project and the Preparatory Study on Fuel Deb...
Published date:
3 August 2021
Preparatory meeting for Thermodynamic Characterisation of Fuel Debris and Fission Products Based on Scenario Analysis of Severe Accident Progression at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (TCOFF)...
Published date:
27 May 2021
Published date:
24 November 2020
In June 2005, the Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) agreed to set up an expert meeting on the German proposal concerning the THAI Project. The objectives of the project were to ...
Published date:
22 June 2010
This report provides an overview of experimental facilities that can be used to address nuclear safety research issues in OECD member countries, and identifies priorities for organising international...
Published date:
1 January 2007
Common-cause-failure (CCF) events can significantly impact the availability of safety systems of nuclear power plants. For this reason, the International Common Cause Failure Data Exchange (ICDE) pro...
Published date:
25 January 2008
The OECD-IAEA Paks Fuel Project was established in 2005 as a joint project between the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA). The IAEA provided financial ...
Published date:
18 September 2008
In 2007, the NEA Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) issued a report titled Nuclear Safety Research in OECD Countries: Support Facilities for Existing and Advanced Reactors (SFEAR...
Published date:
20 December 2021
The NEA Co‑operative Programme for the Exchange of Scientific and Technical Information Concerning Nuclear Installation Decommissioning Projects (CPD) held its Technical Advisory Group (TAG) meeting ...
Published date:
3 November 2021
Virtual kick-off meeting for the new joint project Experiments on Source Term for Delayed Releases (ESTER), 28-30 September 2020.
Published date:
9 October 2020
Several member countries of the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD/NEA) established the International Common-Cause Failure Data Exchange Project...
Published date:
30 January 2004
Major nuclear safety research facilities and programmes are facing increasing budgetary constraints, and in many cases are being closed or terminated. This report identifies major facilities of vital...
Published date:
20 April 2001
Three Mile Island Unit 2 Analysis Exercise Final Report
Published date:
1 January 1991
Published date:
1 January 1991
Lyon, France, 8-10 September 1997
Published date:
1 January 1997
This report describes the progress and the generic results obtained by the CPD during 1995-2005. Although part of the information exchanged within CPD is confidential in nature and is restricted to p...
Published date:
11 October 2006
This report describes generic results obtained by the CPD on available adequate methods of measurement. Although part of the information exchanged within CPD is confidential in nature and is restrict...
Published date:
16 October 2006
This document was prepared by the Task Group on Decontamination and Dismantling (D&D) of Concrete Structures. It provides a comprehensive review of proven technologies and methods fro decontaminating...
Published date:
22 July 2010
The NEA Co-operative Programme for the Exchange of Scientific and Technical Information Concerning Nuclear Installation Decommissioning Projects (CPD) is a joint undertaking among member country orga...
Published date:
7 March 2011
This report of the NEA Co-operative Programme on Decommissioning (CPD) describes generic results obtained by a CPD Task Group analysing the need for remote technologies. The report examines existing ...
Published date:
26 August 2011
This report of the NEA Co-operative Programme on Decommissioning (CPD) presents the generic results obtained by a CPD Task Group on Decontamination and Dismantling (D&D) of Concrete Structures that u...
Published date:
28 July 2011
This document is the provisional agenda of the 31st meeting of the CPD Management Board. It is the 4th meeting under the 2009 Agreement. The meeting was held at the NEA Offices in Issy-les-Moulineaux...
Published date:
29 October 2012
The NEA Co-operative Programme for the Exchange of Scientific and Technical Information Concerning Nuclear Installation Decommissioning Projects (CPD) is a joint undertaking which functions within th...
Published date:
9 February 1996
The release of radioactive materials from regulatory control is subject to release limits which are often based on published recommendations of international organisations, which aim to minimise radi...
Published date:
12 April 2006
In response to the growing interest in the field of decommissioning of nuclear facilities, the Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD commenced in 1978 a programme of activities in this field. This report...
Published date:
8 February 1996
Published date:
8 February 1996
A consensus has been reached among technical experts that high-level radioactive waste can safely be disposed of in deep geological repositories. Safety studies are carried out to evaluate the overal...
Published date:
27 April 2001
The modelling of the key process of radionuclide sorption is of great importance in assessing the performance or safety of deep and near-surface repositories for radioactive waste. The first phase of...
Published date:
4 May 2005
The European Commission (EC) and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) have, over the past several years, sponsored a project on the engineered barrier system (EBS) used in geological disposal of long...
Published date:
1 January 2010
The present document is the Proccedings of the Sorption Workshop: Conclusion of NEA Sorption Project Phase II and Status Analysis of Sorption Modelling for PA, held at the NEA Offices in Issy-les-Mou...
Published date:
19 September 2005
The present document is the final programme of the Proccedings of the Sorption Workshop: Conclusion of NEA Sorption Project Phase II and Status Analysis of Sorption Modelling for PA, held at the NEA ...
Published date:
4 October 2005
Published date:
10 April 2001
Published date:
6 December 2019
Published date:
1 July 2020
14-15 November 2000, Munich, Germany
Published date:
13 December 2000
A Report by the OECD Support Group on the VVER Thermal-Hydraulic Code Validation Matrix (2001)
Published date:
16 February 2001
A central safety function of radioactive waste disposal repositories is the prevention or sufficient retardation of radionuclide migration to the biosphere. Performance assessment exercises in variou...
Published date:
4 May 2012
The ICDE project allows multiple countries to collaborate and exchange CCF data to enhance the quality of risk analyses, which include CCF modelling. Because CCF events are typically rare, most count...
Published date:
21 January 2019