In the aftermath of the Fukushima Daiichi accident in March 2011, nuclear regulators, industry organisations, and operating companies across the globe began the process of understanding the lessons l...
Workshop Summary Report Tokyo, Japan18-19 February 2020
Post-accident recovery management is considered as a complex multidisciplinary process of multi-sectoral dimensions, with a priority expressed ...
Preparedness for Post‑Accident Recovery Process: Lessons from Experience
The NEA Expert Group on Recovery Management (EGRM) held a meeting on 6 May 2021.
The Working Party on Nuclear Emergency Matters (WPNEM) held a series of meetings in July to review and discuss part of its ongoing work
The NEA and Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) co-organised an online International Workshop on Joint Utilisation of Underground Research Laboratories in Research. The event was h...
Insights from Leaders in Nuclear Energy shares personal insights through a series of in-depth conversations between the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Director-General and leading figures in the sector. ...
Treated water currently stored at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station: Message from Director-General Magwood
Virtual mission to Japan
NEA Task Group on Protective Measures Handbook (TGPMH) meeting, 29 April 2021.
NEA Working Party on Nuclear Emergency Matters (WPNEM) annual meeting, 17-18 November 2020.
NEA Director-General William D. Magwood, IV and senior staff met with the leading officials from the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (M...
Overview of FRENDY
FRENDY (FRom Evaluated Nuclear Data librarY to any application) is a system to process evaluated nuclear data library and generate cross section library for transport codes. Featur...
Despite many efforts and progress over the past decades, women remain underrepresented in executive positions in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Female students tend to do very w...
Preparedness for Post-Accident Recovery: Lessons from Experience - Japanese Version
Information on the waste management and decommissioning programmes of individual member countries of the NEA are presented in country profiles and country reports. Both documents aim to provide topic...