The Integration Group for the Safety Case (IGSC) has been organising a series of symposia every five years focusing on the development of a competent and robust safety case since 2007, in co‑operatio...
The NEA and CAEA held the NEA-China Forum on Nuclear Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management in Beijing.
A collective statement of the NEA Radioactive Waste Management Committee from 2014 states that maintaining records, knowledge and memory (RK&M) for a radioactive waste repository after its closure wi...
There is a consensus in the international community that geological repositories provide the necessary long-term safety and security to isolate long-lived radioactive waste. However, despite the tech...
NEA delegation led by Director-General Magwood was in Romania for a series of meetings and to co-host a workshop.
Momentum in regards to disposal solutions for radioactive waste has rapidly picked up over the last five years. Several countries have entered the licensing phase of establishing a deep geological re...
Over the past 20 years, the NEA Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (FSC) has worked extensively on the involvement of local stakeholders in decision-making processes concerning high-level radioactive wa...
The Steering Committee for Nuclear Energy convened on 20-21 April in Paris.
The Horonobe International Joint Project (HIP) is a collaborative project between the NEA and Japan Atomic Energy Agency established in February 2023.