The Coronavirus (COVID‑19) pandemic has had significant impacts on the global economy and energy sector. It has also underlined the importance of electricity reliability and resilience during major d...
Experience from decommissioning projects suggests that the decommissioning of nuclear power plants could be made easier if this aspect received greater consideration at the design stage and during op...
The competitiveness of nuclear power plants depends largely on their capital costs that represent some 60 per cent of their total generation costs. Reviewing and analysing ways and means to reduce ca...
Nuclear new build has been progressing steadily since the year 2000, with the construction of 94 new reactors initiated and 56 completed reactors connected to the grid. Among these new reactors are s...
The WGRNR organised an international workshop aimed to review and discuss recent and past construction experience lessons learnt including perspectives from regulatory authorities, vendors, and licen...
Photo: Shutterstock, Pand P Studio.
During the COVID‑19 crisis, nuclear power has continued to generate electricity reliably and around the clock, ensuring the continuous resilient oper...
Photo: Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL).
Nuclear power is capable of supplying large amounts of low‑carbon electricity and heat cost‑effectively while creating a large number of high...
Aerial view of the Doel nuclear power plant in Belgium. Photo: Alexandre Jacquemin/Creative Commons.
The sheer size of nuclear projects might be a barrier in some markets where private investors are ...
Under the Paris Agreement, countries agreed to aim for a reduction of their greenhouse gas emissions sufficient to hold the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre‑indu...
Opening remark
Mr. Claude Mandil, Executive Director, IEA and Mr. Luis Echávarri, Director-General, NEA
Chairman's Introduction
It is time for action if countries around the world are to meet their decarbonisation and energy security policy goals. Nuclear energy can play a key role in meeting these objectives—if the cost of n...
The NEA encourages governments to take advantage of the post‑COVID‑19 economic recovery to accelerate the energy transition towards meeting climate objectives.
The NEA Working Group on Regulation of New Reactors (WGRNR) met on 21-22 October 2020 via video conference.
L’expérience des projets de démantèlement de centrales nucléaires laisse entendre que l’on pourrait simplifier ces opérations si l’on y accordait davantage d’attention au moment de la conception ou p...
The NEA held a WebChat with H.E. Mohamed Al Hammadi, Chief Executive Officer of the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC).
The NEA is examining the regulatory and operational impacts of the crisis, and working closely with its members to enable exchanges of policy approaches and best practices around the world.
Many African countries are considering nuclear energy in their plans to increase electricity supply while reducing emissions. As part of the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact the OECD Nuclear En...
Experience from decommissioning projects suggests that the decommissioning of nuclear power plants could be made easier if it received greater consideration at the design stage and during the operati...
This expert group was set up to conduct a study, and the overall objective was to identify the key issues addressed by governments for facilitating the financing of nuclear power plants when nuclear ...