Uranium is the main raw material fuelling all nuclear fission reactors today. Countries around the world use it to reliably generate low-carbon electricity, process heat and hydrogen as part of their...
Published date:
3 April 2023
The joint NEA/IAEA Uranium Group held its 57th meeting virtually on 3-5 November 2021.
Published date:
12 December 2021
The "Red Book", is a biennial publication produced jointly by the NEA and the IAEA under the auspices of the joint NEA/IAEA Uranium Group. It is the only government-sponsored publication tracking wor...
Published date:
15 February 2021
The Uranium group's primary area of work is producing the biennial publication of the Red Book.
Published date:
4 February 2021
Uranium 2020: Resources, Production and Demand
Published date:
23 December 2020
Published date:
12 August 2020
Published date:
12 August 2020
Published date:
12 August 2020
Published date:
12 August 2020
Published date:
12 August 2020
Published date:
12 August 2020
Published date:
12 August 2020
The purpose of the Ad hoc Expert Group on Managing Environmental and Health Impacts of Uranium Mining was to produce an account of the practices employed by modern uranium miners and to review up-to-...
Published date:
8 July 2020
The group analysed the potential contribution of uranium mining in economic and social development, and explored whether uranium activities are managed to ensure a positive benefit to local and natio...
Published date:
9 June 2020
Joint NEA/IAEA Group on Uranium meeting, 4‑6 February 2020
Published date:
4 March 2020
Uranium is the raw material used to produce fuel for nuclear power plants and refers to the global markets study of its supply and demand.
Published date:
25 February 2020
Published date:
13 December 2018
Uranium is the raw material used to produce fuel for long-lived nuclear power facilities, necessary for the generation of significant amounts of baseload low-carbon electricity for decades to come. A...
Published date:
13 December 2018
Published date:
12 April 2017
Uranium is the raw material used to produce fuel for long-lived nuclear power facilities, necessary for the generation of significant amounts of baseload low-carbon electricity for decades to come. A...
Published date:
30 November 2016
Uranium is the raw material used to fuel over 400 operational nuclear reactors around the world that produce large amounts of electricity and benefit from life cycle carbon emissions as low as renewa...
Published date:
14 October 2014
Uranium is the raw material used to fuel over 400 operational nuclear reactors around the world that produce large amounts of electricity and benefit from life cycle carbon emissions as low as renewa...
Published date:
9 September 2014
Producing uranium in a safe and environmentally responsible manner is not only important to the producers and consumers of the product, but also to society at large. Given expectations of growth in n...
Published date:
14 August 2014
Produire de l'uranium de façon sûre et responsable sur le plan environnemental est important non seulement pour les producteurs et les consommateurs du produit, mais également pour la société dans so...
Published date:
14 August 2014
Uranium mining and milling has evolved significantly over the years. By comparing currently leading approaches with outdated practices, this report demonstrates how uranium mining can be conducted in...
Published date:
4 June 2014
Meeting the growing demand for energy, and electricity in particular, while addressing the need to curb greenhouse gas emissions and to ensure security of energy supply, is one of the most difficult ...
Published date:
21 December 2012
In the wake of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident, questions are being raised about the future of the uranium market, including as regards the number of reactors expected to be built ...
Published date:
1 November 2012
Сразу после аварии на АЭС “Фукусима-Даичи” стали подниматься вопросы о будущем рынка урана, в том числе о количестве реакторов, которые предполагалось построить в ближайшие годы, количестве урана, не...
Published date:
30 July 2012
In the wake of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident, questions are being raised about the future of the uranium market, including as regards the number of reactors expected to be built ...
Published date:
26 July 2012
Published date:
18 August 2011
La première parution du « Livre rouge », préparé conjointement par l'Agence de l'OCDE pour l'énergie nucléaire (AEN) et l'Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique (AIEA), remonte à 1965 et, depuis...
Published date:
2 March 2007
The "Red Book", jointly prepared by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), was first published in 1965 and has since grown to be a recognised world re...
Published date:
13 September 2006
Energie ist der Motor der Weltwirtschaft und mit der Expansion der führenden Volkswirtschaften und dem Wachstum der Entwicklungsländer steigt der Weltenergiebedarf stetig an. Die Befriedigung dieser ...
Published date:
27 July 2006
Energy is the power of the world's economies, whose appetite for this commodity is increasing as the leading economies expand and developing economies grow. How to provide the energy demanded while p...
Published date:
6 June 2003
Le "Livre rouge", établi conjointement par l'Agence de l'OCDE pour l'énergie nucléaire et l'Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique, est un ouvrage de référence sur l'uranium faisant autorité au ...
Published date:
24 September 2002
The "Red Book", jointly prepared by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency, is a recognised world reference on uranium. Its contents are based on official informati...
Published date:
9 August 2002
Le réaménagement de l'environnement des sites des mines et usines de traitement d'uranium a pris un tournant majeur depuis quelques décennies. Les raisons de cette évolution sont multiples : un grand...
Published date:
18 February 2002
Environmental remediation activities in uranium mines and mills have become increasingly important in the last few decades due to the large number of facilities which have been taken out of operation...
Published date:
14 February 2002
D'importantes quantités d'uranium appauvri ont été produites par suite des activités d'enrichissement effectuées surtout aux Etats-Unis et en Fédération de Russie. Les pays qui en ont en stock ont do...
Published date:
22 August 2001
In recent years, the world uranium market has been characterised by an imbalance between demand and supply and persistently depressed uranium prices. World uranium production currently satisfies betw...
Published date:
1 January 2000
Depuis quelques années, le marché mondial de l'uranium se caractérise par un déséquilibre entre la demande et l'offre et une tendance persistante vers des prix bas. Actuellement, la production mondia...
Published date:
1 January 2000
Environmental activities in uranium mining and milling are becoming increasingly important owing to:
- the stricter requirements for new facilities being imposed by many countries in the form of envi...
Published date:
1 January 1999
Le respect de l'environnement prend une importance croissante dans le secteur de la production d'uranium car :
- les nouvelles installations doivent être conformes aux normes de plus en plus stricted...
Published date:
1 January 1999
The events characterizing the world uranium market in the last several years illustrate the persistent uncertainty faced by uranium producers and consumers worldwide. With world nuclear capacity expa...
Published date:
1 January 1998
Les événements qui caractérisent le marché mondial de l'uranium depuis quelques années illustrent l'incertitude qui semble persister et à laquelle les producteurs et les consommateurs d'uranium à tra...
Published date:
1 January 1998