TBD Project course – 3rd edition: Thermodynamic data collection and assessment
About the course

A one-day course, sponsored by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) TDB project, on the topic of thermodynamic data collection and assessment was offered in conjunction with Migration 2019 (Kyoto, Japan). This overview course was designed to familiarise scientists with current NEA TDB activities and standards, provide an overview of data collection and analysis techniques, and work through some real system examples to demonstrate the critical evaluation and data assessment process. Retaining high scientific standards for the collection, interpretation, critical review and application of thermodynamic data is a key goal of the NEA TDB, and will help assure that a strong scientific basis for the safety case is maintained to support international nuclear waste management options.

Target audience and venue

This one-day course is ideally designed for graduate students, young scientists (typically postdocs) or any scientists who are new to the nuclear chemistry field and its application to nuclear waste management (repository science as well as environmental remediation/containment of near-surface contamination sites). It also further targets scientists interested in broader environmental applications of the NEA TDB and the collection and application of thermodynamic data. The course was offered on the Saturday immediately before the opening of Migration 2019.

Practical information

Instructors: Xavier Gaona (KIT-INE, Germany), Don Reed (LANL, USA), Marcus Altmaier (KIT-INE, Germany), Marilena Ragoussi (OECD/NEA, France) and Lara Duro (Amphos21, Spain).

Date and time: Saturday, 14 September 2019, 9:00-18:00

Location: Uji Campus, Kyoto University

Meals: Coffee breaks and a working lunch will be provided.


Topic 1: Overview of the NEA and NEA TDB activities and projects

Topic 2: Overview of guidelines for the collection and analysis of thermodynamic data

Topic 3: Critical evaluation and assessment exercise

Topic 4: Implementer's perspective


TDB Course 2019
