Request ID16 Type of the request General request
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 95-AM-243 (n,f) prompt n  Eth-10 MeV  10 
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 ADS Fast fission spectra 08-NOV-07 10-SEP-08 Y

Requester: Mr Toshinobu SASA at JAEA, JPN

Project (context): J-PARC

It is necessary in the ADS design study. Obninsk scientists report important difference of fission neutron spectra from ENDF/B-VI evaluation at MeV energies.


Justification document:
T. Sugawara, K. Sugino, T. Sasa, "SND2006-V.10: Design of MA-loaded Core Experiments using J-PARC", T. Fukahori (Ed.), Proc. of 2006 Symposium on Nuclear Data, Jan. 25-26, 2007, RICOTTI, Tokai-mura, Ibaraki-ken, Japan, ISBN978-4-89047-138-6, Nuclear Data Division, Atomic Energy Society of Japan (2007) [CD-ROM].

Comment from requester:

Review comment:

It appears that experimental work for the neutron-induced reaction will be near to impossible on account of the required amount of sample material. Could this work be carried out by using a transfer reaction?

The importance of the fission neutron spectrum is not contested. It is a significant problem also for the major actinides and for those it is a recurrent subject of debate. The present request is dubbed a general request since it is not backed by a direct sensitivity study. The methodology of such sensitivity studies was recently explored by WPEC Subgroup 26 (link to WPEC Subgroup 26 Report in PDF format, 6 Mb). In that report it is also mentioned that substantial uncertainties may result from the fission spectrum but that further work is required.

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to


Additional file attached:sugawara_t(MA-cores_JPARC).pdf
Additional file attached:

Request ID17 Type of the request General request
TargetReaction and processIncident EnergySecondary energy or angleTarget uncertaintyCovariance
 96-CM-244 (n,f) prompt n  Eth-10 MeV  10 
FieldSubfieldDate Request createdDate Request acceptedOngoing action
 ADS Fast fission spectra 08-NOV-07 10-SEP-08 Y

Requester: Mr Toshinobu SASA at JAEA, JPN

Project (context): J-PARC

It is necessary in the ADS design study. Obninsk scientists report important difference of fission neutron spectra from ENDF/B-VI evaluation at MeV energies.


Justification document:
T. Sugawara, K. Sugino, T. Sasa, "SND2006-V.10: Design of MA-loaded Core Experiments using J-PARC", T. Fukahori (Ed.), Proc. of 2006 Symposium on Nuclear Data, Jan. 25-26, 2007, RICOTTI, Tokai-mura, Ibaraki-ken, Japan, ISBN978-4-89047-138-6, Nuclear Data Division, Atomic Energy Society of Japan (2007) [CD-ROM].

Comment from requester:

Review comment:

It appears that experimental work for the neutron-induced reaction will be near to impossible on account of the required amount of sample material. Could this work be carried out by using a transfer reaction?

The importance of the fission neutron spectrum is not contested. It is a significant problem also for the major actinides and for those it is a recurrent subject of debate. The present request is dubbed a general request since it is not backed by a direct sensitivity study. The methodology of such sensitivity studies was recently explored by WPEC Subgroup 26 (link to WPEC Subgroup 26 Report in PDF format, 6 Mb). In that report it is also mentioned that substantial uncertainties may result from the fission spectrum but that further work is required.

Entry Status:
Work in progress (as of SG-C review of May 2018)

Main references:
Please report any missing information to

Additional file attached:sugawara_t(MA-cores_JPARC).pdf
Additional file attached: