NEA Nuclear Data High Priority Request List
Results of your search in the request list
Requests are shown from the following list(s):
Special Purpose Quantities (SPQ)Standard (Special Purpose Quantities)
Explanations of each column can be found in the table heads. To view the details of a request, please click on the link symbol after the request ID.
To send a comment on a particular entry, please view the request, and click on the 'letter' symbol there.
ID View Target Reaction Quantity Energy range Sec.E/Angle Accuracy Cov Field Date 43S STD 1-H-1 (n,el) SIG,DA 10 MeV-20 MeV 4 pi 1-2 Y Standard 13-MAY-11 100S STD 92-U-235 (n,f),(p,f) SIG 100 MeV-500 MeV 5 Y Standard 11-APR-18 101S STD 92-U-238 (n,f),(p,f) SIG 100 MeV-500 MeV 5 Y Standard 11-APR-18