NEA Nuclear Data High Priority Request List


High Priority Requests (HPR)

General Requests (GR)

Special Purpose Quantities (SPQ)

New Request




Results of your search in the request list

Requests are shown from the following list(s):

Special Purpose Quantities (SPQ)
Standard (Special Purpose Quantities)

Explanations of each column can be found in the table heads. To view the details of a request, please click on the link symbol after the request ID.
To send a comment on a particular entry, please view the request, and click on the 'letter' symbol there.
ID      View       Target        Reaction         Quantity       Energy range  Sec.E/Angle    Accuracy  Cov Field            Date 
 43S STD View request        1-H-1          (n,el)          SIG,DA       10 MeV-20 MeV         4 pi         1-2    Y Standard         13-MAY-11
100S STD View request     92-U-235     (n,f),(p,f)             SIG     100 MeV-500 MeV                        5    Y Standard         11-APR-18
101S STD View request     92-U-238     (n,f),(p,f)             SIG     100 MeV-500 MeV                        5    Y Standard         11-APR-18

Number of requests found: 3 (out of a total of 112 requests).
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