Computer Programs
IAEA1430 ZZ-POINT-2009.
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IAEA1430 ZZ-POINT-2009.

ZZ POINT-2009, a Temperature Dependent ENDF/B-VII.0 Cross Section Library

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Program name Package id Status Status date
ZZ-POINT-2009 IAEA1430/01 Tested 13-OCT-2011

Machines used:

Package ID Orig. computer Test computer
IAEA1430/01 Many Computers PC Windows
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This most recent library is identified as ENDF/B-VII.0; this is the first release of ENDF/B-VII. This release completely supersedes all preceding releases of ENDF/B.


As distributed the ENDF/B-VII.0 data includes cross sections represented in the form of a combination of resonance parameters and/or tabulated energy dependent cross sections, nominally at 0 Kelvin temperature.


For use in our applications the ENDF/B-VII.0 library has been processed into cross sections at eight neutron reactor like temperatures, between 0 and 2100 Kelvin, in steps of 300 Kelvin (the exception being 293.6 Kelvin, for exact room temperature at 20 Celsius). It has also been processed to five astrophysics like temperatures, 1, 10, 100 eV, 1 and 10 keV. For reference purposes, 300 Kelvin is approximately 1/40 eV, so that 1 eV is approximately 12,000 Kelvin. At each temperature the cross sections are tabulated and linearly interpolable in energy.


This library contains all of the evaluations in the ENDF/B-VI.0 general purpose library. A table in the appendix summarizes the contents of the ENDF/B-VII.0 general purpose library. This library contains evaluations for 393 materials (isotopes or naturally occurring elemental mixtures of isotopes).


This library does not contain data from special purpose ENDF/B-VII libraries, such as fission products, thermal scattering, photon interaction data. To obtain any of these special purpose libraries contact the National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory,


All results are in the computer independent ENDF-6 character format


List of nuclides:
1-H -1; 1-H -2; 1-H -3; 2-He-3; 2-He-4; 3-Li-6; 3-Li-7; 4-Be-7; 4-Be-9; 5-B 10; 5-B 11; 6-C -Nat; 7-N 14; 7-N 15; 8-O 16; 8-O 17; 9-F 19; 11-Na22; 11-Na23; 12-Mg24; 12-Mg25; 12-Mg26; 13-Al27; 14-Si28; 14-Si29; 14-Si30; 15-P 31; 16-S 32; 16-S 33; 16-S 34; 16-S 36; 17-Cl35; 17-Cl37; 18-Ar36; 18-Ar38; 18-Ar40; 19-K 39; 19-K 40; 19-K 41; 20-Ca40; 20-Ca42; 20-Ca43; 20-Ca44; 20-Ca46; 20-Ca48; 21-Sc45; 22-Ti46; 22-Ti47; 22-Ti48; 22-Ti49; 22-Ti50; 23-V -Nat; 24-Cr50; 24-Cr52; 24-Cr53; 24-Cr54; 25-Mn55; 26-Fe54; 26-Fe56; 26-Fe57; 26-Fe58; 27-Co58; 27-Co58M; 27-Co59; 28-Ni58; 28-Ni58M; 28-Ni60; 28-Ni61; 28-Ni62; 28-Ni64; 29-Cu63; 29-Cu65; 30-Zn-Nat; 31-Ga69; 31-Ga71; 32-Ge70; 32-Ge72; 32-Ge73; 32-Ge74; 32-Ge76; 33-As74; 33-As75; 34-Se74; 34-Se76; 34-Se77; 34-Se78; 34-Se79; 34-Se80; 34-Se82; 35-Br79; 35-Br81; 36-Kr78; 36-Kr80; 36-Kr82; 36-Kr83; 36-Kr84; 36-Kr85; 36-Kr86; 37-Rb85; 37-Rb86; 37-Rb87; 38-Sr84; 38-Sr86; 38-Sr87; 38-Sr88; 38-Sr89; 38-Sr90; 39-Y 89; 39-Y 90; 39-Y 91; 40-Zr90; 40-Zr91; 40-Zr92; 40-Zr93; 40-Zr94; 40-Zr95; 40-Zr96; 41-Nb93; 41-Nb94; 41-Nb95; 42-Mo92; 42-Mo94; 42-Mo95; 42-Mo96; 42-Mo97; 42-Mo98; 42-Mo99; 42-Mo-100; 43-Tc99; 44-Ru96; 44-Ru98; 44-Ru99; 44-Ru-100; 44-Ru-101; 44-Ru-102; 44-Ru-103; 44-Ru-104; 44-Ru-105; 44-Ru-106; 45-Rh-103; 45-Rh-105; 46-Pd-102; 46-Pd-104; 46-Pd-105; 46-Pd-106; 46-Pd-107; 46-Pd-108; 46-Pd-110; 47-Ag-107; 47-Ag-109; 47-Ag-110M; 47-Ag-111; 48-Cd-106; 48-Cd-108; 48-Cd-110; 48-Cd-111; 48-Cd-112; 48-Cd-113; 48-Cd-114; 48-Cd-115M; 48-Cd-116; 49-In-113; 49-In-115; 50-Sn-112; 50-Sn-113; 50-Sn-114; 50-Sn-115; 50-Sn-116; 50-Sn-117; 50-Sn-118; 50-Sn-119; 50-Sn-120; 50-Sn-122; 50-Sn-123; 50-Sn-124; 50-Sn-125; 50-Sn-126; 51-Sb-121; 51-Sb-123; 51-Sb-124; 51-Sb-125; 51-Sb-126; 52-Te-120; 52-Te-122; 52-Te-123; 52-Te-124; 52-Te-125; 52-Te-126; 52-Te-127M; 52-Te-128; 52-Te-129M; 52-Te-130; 52-Te-132; 53-I -127; 53-I -129; 53-I -130; 53-I -131; 53-I -135; 54-Xe-123; 54-Xe-124; 54-Xe-126; 54-Xe-128; 54-Xe-129; 54-Xe-130; 54-Xe-131; 54-Xe-132; 54-Xe-133; 54-Xe-134; 54-Xe-135; 54-Xe-136; 55-Cs-133; 55-Cs-134; 55-Cs-135; 55-Cs-136; 55-Cs-137; 56-Ba-130; 56-Ba-132; 56-Ba-133; 56-Ba-134; 56-Ba-135; 56-Ba-136; 56-Ba-137; 56-Ba-138; 56-Ba-140; 57-La-138; 57-La-139; 57-La-140; 58-Ce-136; 58-Ce-138; 58-Ce-139; 58-Ce-140; 58-Ce-141; 58-Ce-142; 58-Ce-143; 58-Ce-144; 59-Pr-141; 59-Pr-142; 59-Pr-143; 60-Nd-142; 60-Nd-143; 60-Nd-144;60-Nd-145; 60-Nd-146; 60-Nd-147; 60-Nd-148M; 60-Nd-150; 61-Pm-147; 61-Pm-148; 61-Pm-148; 61-Pm-149; 61-Pm-151; 62-Sm-144; 62-Sm-147; 62-Sm-148; 62-Sm-149; 62-Sm-150; 62-Sm-151; 62-Sm-152; 62-Sm-153; 62-Sm-154; 63-Eu-151; 63-Eu-152; 63-Eu-153; 63-Eu-154; 63-Eu-155; 63-Eu-156; 63-Eu-157; 64-Gd-152; 64-Gd-153; 64-Gd-154; 64-Gd-155; 64-Gd-156; 64-Gd-157; 64-Gd-158; 64-Gd-160; 65-Tb-159; 65-Tb-160; 66-Dy-156; 66-Dy-158; 66-Dy-160; 66-Dy-161; 66-Dy-162; 66-Dy-163; 66-Dy-164; 67-Ho-165; 67-Ho-166M; 68-Er-162; 68-Er-164; 68-Er-166; 68-Er-167; 68-Er-168; 68-Er-170; 71-Lu-175; 71-Lu-176; 72-Hf-174; 72-Hf-176; 72-Hf-177; 72-Hf-178; 72-Hf-179; 72-Hf-180; 73-Ta-181; 73-Ta-182; 74-W -182; 74-W -183; 74-W -184; 74-W -186; 75-Re-185; 75-Re-187; 77-Ir-191; 77-Ir-193; 79-Au-197; 80-Hg-196; 80-Hg-198; 80-Hg-199; 80-Hg-200; 80-Hg-201; 80-Hg-202; 80-Hg-204; 82-Pb-204; 82-Pb-206; 82-Pb-207; 82-Pb-208; 83-Bi-209; 88-Ra-223; 88-Ra-224; 88-Ra-225; 88-Ra-226; 89-Ac-225; 89-Ac-226; 89-Ac-227; 90-Th-227; 90-Th-228; 90-Th-229; 90-Th-230; 90-Th-232; 90-Th-233; 90-Th-234; 91-Pa-231; 91-Pa-232; 91-Pa-233; 92-U -232; 92-U -233; 92-U -234; 92-U -235; 92-U -236; 92-U -237; 92-U -238; 92-U -239; 92-U -240; 92-U -241; 93-Np-235; 93-Np-236; 93-Np-237; 93-Np-238; 93-Np-239; 94-Pu-236; 94-Pu-237; 94-Pu-238; 94-Pu-239; 94-Pu-240; 94-Pu-241; 94-Pu-242; 94-Pu-243; 94-Pu-244; 94-Pu-246; 95-Am-241; 95-Am-242; 95-Am-242M; 95-Am-243; 95-Am-244; 95-Am-244M; 96-Cm-241; 96-Cm-242; 96-Cm-243; 96-Cm-244; 96-Cm-245; 96-Cm-246; 96-Cm-247; 96-Cm-248; 96-Cm-249; 96-Cm-250; 97-Bk-249; 97-Bk-250; 98-Cf-249; 98-Cf-250; 98-Cf-251; 98-Cf-252; 98-Cf-253; 98-Cf-254; 99-Es-253; 99-Es-254; 99-Es-255; 100-Fm-255

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The PREPRO 2009 code system was used to process the ENDF/B data. Listed below are the steps, including the PREPRO2009 codes, which were used to process the data in the order in which the codes were run.


  1. Linearly interpolable, tabulated cross sections (LINEAR)

  2. Including the resonance contribution (RECENT)

  3. Doppler broaden all cross sections to temperature (SIGMA1)

  4. Check data, define redundant cross sections by summation (FIXUP)

  5. Update evaluation dictionary in MF/MT=1/451 (DICTIN)
    For the "cold" (0 Kelvin) data steps 1), 2) and 4), 5) were used (no Doppler broadening). For the data at other temperatures, after steps 1) and 2), the data was Doppler broadened to each temperature using step 3), and the results were then made consistent with the ENDF/B formats and conventions using steps 4) and 5), to produce the final distributed data.


The result is linearly interpolable in energy, tabulated, temperature dependent cross sections, in the ENDF-6 format, ready to be used in applications.

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Due to recent changes in ENDF-6 Formats and Procedures only the latest version of the ENDF/B Pre-processing codes, namely PREPRO 2009, can be used to accurately process all current ENDF/B-VII evaluations. The use of any earlier versions of these codes may occasion inaccurate results.

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Package ID Status date Status
IAEA1430/01 13-OCT-2011 Screened
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  • "POINT 2007: A Temperature Dependent ENDF/B-VII.0 data Cross Section Library", Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-TR-228089, February 2007.

  • Data Formats and Procedures for the Evaluated Nuclear Data File ENDF-6, BNL-NCS-44945, Rev. 11/95, edited by V. McLane, et al. National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Lab.

  • "PREPRO 2007: The 2007 ENDF/B Pre-Processing Codes," by D.E. Cullen, Nuclear Data Section, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, IAEA-NDS-39, Rev. 12, Nov. 22, 2004; PREPRO 2009 will soon to publicly available.

  • "Atlas of Nuclear Resonances", by S.F. Mughabghab, National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, published by Elsevier, March 2006.

  • "Exact Doppler Broadening of Tabulated Cross Sections," by D.E. Cullen and C.R. Weisbin, Nuclear Science and Engineering 60, p. 199 (1975)

  • "THERMAL: A Routine Designed to Calculate Neutron Thermal Scattering," by D.E. Cullen, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-ID-120560-Rev-1, Sept. 1995.

  • "Verification of High Temperature Free Atom Thermal Scattering in MERCURY Compared to TART", by D.E. Cullen, Scott McKinley and Christian Hagmann, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-TR-226340, August 1, 2006.

  • "TART2005: A Coupled Neutron-Photon 3-D, Time Dependent, Combinatorial Geometry Monte Carlo Transport Code," by D.E. Cullen, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-SM-218009, Nov. 22, 2005.

  • P. Oblozinsky, M. Herman et al.:
    ENDF/B-VII.0: Next Generation Evaluated Nuclear Data Library for Nuclear Science and Technology, Nuclear Data Sheets 107 (2006) 2931-3060

  • S. C. van der Marck:
    Benchmarking ENDF/B-VII.0, Nuclear Data Sheets 107 (2006) 3061-3118 Special Issue on Evaluated Nuclear Data File ENDF/B-VII.0

IAEA1430/01, included references:
- Dermott E. Cullen:
POINT 2009, A Temperature Dependent ENDF/B-VII.0 Data, Cross Section Library
(June 6, 2009)
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No specified programming language
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Dermott E. Cullen
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (retired)
Livermore, CA 94550

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Report in MSWord and PDF formats
ORIGINAL  - The original ENDF/B data before it was processed
K0    - 0 Kelvin cross sections
K293.6  - 293.6 Kelvin cross sections
K600    - 600 Kelvin cross sections
K900    - 900 Kelvin cross sections
K1200    - 1200 Kelvin cross sections
K1500    - 1500 Kelvin cross sections
K1800    - 1800 Kelvin cross sections
K2100    - 2100 Kelvin cross sections
1eV    - 1 eV cross sections
10eV    - 10 eV cross sections
100eV    - 100 eV cross sections
1keV    - 1 keV cross sections
10keV    - 10 keV cross sections
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Keywords: ENDF/B, cross sections, evaluated data.