Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (FSC)

8th National Workshop and Community Visit

Actual Implementation of a Spent Nuclear Fuel Repository: Seizing Opportunities

Gimo (Östhammar), Sweden, 4-6 May 2011
Including a community visit to Forsmark


Wednesday 4 May - Day One

Session 1 - Opening


NEA (FSC chair Janet Kotra)
Swedish hosts and sponsors (Holmfridur Bjarnadottir, Swedish Council for Nuclear Waste, on behalf of all)
Former workshop host (Andra) on the experience of the last  FSC workshop in France

Session 2 - Visions of Oskarshamn and Östhammar municipalities
Chair: Erik van Hove


The municipality of Östhammar 2020: perspectives on how the municipality with cooperation between the engaged population, successful enterprises and good municipal services shall be “the best local society in the world”. (Andreas Lytter, Östhammar municipality)


Oskarshamn vision: Oskarshamn - an international energy center and a growth community with high quality of life. (Oskarshamn municipality)


Discussion and questions


Dinner at a local restaurant hosted by Oskarshamn municipality and Östhammar municipality and welcome speeches by the Mayors of the two municipalities. The restaurant is within walking distance of the conference center.

Thursday 5 May - Day Two

Session 3 -The Swedish Nuclear Waste Management Programme: Looking back, looking forward
Chair: Holmfridur Bjarnadottir (Swedish Council for Nuclear Waste)


Overview of the Swedish NWM programme (Ansi Gerhardsson, Ministry of the Environment)


The Swedish funding system and how it contributes to the participation of local and regional stakeholders (Björn Hedberg, SSM)


Questions and comments




Perspectives from key actors on entering the new implementation phase :

  • The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (Eva Simic, SSM)
  • SKB (Erik Setzman)
  • Östhammar municipality (Marie Berggren)
  • Oskarshamn municipality (Rolf Persson)

Session 4 - Dialogue, information exchange and transparency in the new phase
Chair: Carl Reinhold Bråkenhielm (Swedish Council for Nuclear Waste)

As early as the 1990s Sweden identified “transparency” as a central concept in the NWM decision making process. Entering the new phase of repository construction may affect how each actor is working with transparency and communicates with other stakeholders.


The role of dialogue, information exchange and transparency in the Swedish NWM decision making process (Torsten Carlsson, former Mayor of Oskarshamn municipality and now chair of the Swedish National Council of Nuclear waste)


FSC short member survey on transparency - Current definitions


Reflections from different actors in the Swedish NWM program on how the need for dialogue, information exchange and transparent processes have changed during the past 30 years, how this will change in the future phases of the program, what rules or guidelines will be needed, and what challenges can be foreseen.

  • Josefin Päiviö Jonsson and David Persson, SSM
  • Marie Berggren, Östhammar municipality
  • Johan Swahn, Swedish NGO Office for Nuclear Waste Review (MKG)
  • Erik Setzman, SKB




Research project: “Communities of practice - the case of the Swedish planning and decision making process for final disposal of spent nuclear fuel”. Antoienette Wärnbäck and Tuija Hilding-Rydevik, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU).


Round table discussions on transparency and communication
Participants (FSC members and guests, Swedish stakeholders) discuss and exchange on a set of questions (to be announced)




Feedback from Round tables

Community Visit


Guided bus tour around the Östhammar municipality. A stop will be made at Forsmark with an opportunity to go up in the water tower to get a view of the area.
Presentations will also be given at Forsmark:

  • Municipality requirements on the above ground buildings and how they were developed (Christian Blomberg, Head of Spatial Planning, Östhammar municipality)
  • How these requirements will be met (Lange Art, SKB team of architects that work with the above ground building of the repository system)

After the presentations the bus will take us to the Östhammar City centre for dinner at a local restaurant.


Dinner hosted by SSM
During dinner Anna-Lena Söderblom (chairman of the Östhammar municipality Reference committee) will present work of the Reference committee responsible for the information and dialogue with the City Council and the public.

Friday 6 May - Day Three

Session 5 - Achieving Deep Consultation through the EIA
Chair: Jo-Ann Facella (NWMO)


EIA as an “umbrella” process for Swedish consultation (Sofie Tunbrant, SKB)


Reflections from local NGOs (Lotta Liliemark, Oskarshamns municipality; Kenneth Gunnarsson, OSS - a local opinion group for safe final storage of radioactive waste in Östhammar community)


Coffee and Round table discussions
Participants (FSC members and guests, Swedish stakeholders) discuss and exchange on a set of questions (to be announced)


Feedback from Round tables

Session 6 - The Added Value Program and Local Economic Development
Chair: Mariano Molina (Enresa)

Background reading: the FSC survey and report on improving quality of life and increasing the value of waste management facilities to local communities:


The Swedish Added Value Program.
Presentations and viewpoints from:

  • Stig Björne, CeO SKB Business Development
  • Östhammar Municipality (TBA)
  • Oskarshamn Municipality (TBA)




“A parallel experience from Belgium: The Local Fund”
Herman Sannen, STORA
“This Fund will support projects and activities that will improve quality of life for the local residents and create sustainable opportunities for the region. These projects and activities may be of a diverse nature and may include social, economic or cultural projects. In essence, they provide added value which is more far reaching than the added value created by the (integrated) cAt project (category A waste surface disposal in Dessel) itself.” From the Master Plan: see .


Round table discussions
Participants (FSC members and guests, Swedish stakeholders) discuss and exchange on a set of questions (to be announced)


Feedback from Round tables

Session IV - Rapporteur and Closing


A rapporteur’s feedback on the workshop and visit (Erik van Hove, U. Antwerp, Belgium (ret.))


Comments or replies


Closure by NEA and Swedish Hosts


End of day and workshop

Last reviewed: 6 September 2011
